But before that happens we really should make some sort of an index of all the good stuff that was posted here, so we can at least use it as a reference source. I thought about mentioning it on the Alien/Aliens thread, but Darklord Dave shut it down before I had a chance. I thought we could start a new thread, as you suggested, with one person to manage / edit the index on Page 1. Then some of us could each voluntarily take a certain number of pages (like from Pg. 50-60, for example) to scan and post the pages of interest under selected headings listed in the index. The index manager could then update the info in the index, and then the contributor could go back and delete their initial report. That way, the new index thread (for this thread) wouldn't get cluttered with pages of needless postings. Hope that made sense!
I don't know if it would work or not, but it might be worth a try. It would be a shame to lose all the great pics and information that's graced this a$$-kicking thread up till now!