guys help me out,what do you prefer,the celtic pred or scar pred if you only had the money to buy 1
Tough call. I got a Celtic first, as I love his look better (and in some ways, he is the more iconic look for AVP...). I might have even been happy with just the one, had I not then, completely lost all reason and common sense, and gotten a Chopper, who was cheapest at the time, and then felt the need for Scar to round out the set. Then....the "madness" distemper set in, and I had to have an Elder....and it goes on. I have stopped at just those four for AVP, but want some from P2 if they make more than just the main one and the Elder. But, not is a obsession...but, I am trying not to be a completist, so in your case, I would base it solely upon which was my favorite. That Celtic looks SO cool alone. Just it. But, he is not the star, Scar is. If you are gonna get a P2, and eventually, a P1, then Scar resembles the P1 in some ways (Helmet), so I might get a variant, and get that Celtic to represent the AVP bunch. That would be a good set, Celtic, P2 & P1. All different Preds. Nice set.
Just some thoughts. It all depends somewhat on your emphasis with your collection, looks or star power. Scar is the "main" Pred of AVP.
Just base it on your potential, "up the road" future feelings, if you can.
What would you be happiest with.
See why I got all four?

Hard to distinguish...hard to limit it to one. But, I wish you luck!