Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I don't know if anyone noticed already, but when the engineer ship flys up then comes down and rolls, this would send the contents (Weylands body) flying and bouncing around inside the ship right? But Davids head and body remain in the same place when Elizibeth gets them.

Maybe some kind of continuous simulated gravity within the ship? Engineer tech? Like the constant level of oxygen
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Maybe some kind of continuous simulated gravity within the ship? Engineer tech? Like the constant level of oxygen

Yes but Weylands body had moved- but not davids. It would have taken too long to have Elizibeth go finding the body.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Maybe some kind of continuous simulated gravity within the ship? Engineer tech? Like the constant level of oxygen

Must be, how else would those unsecured ceiling high stacked ampoules stay in place during high speed take off we see the ship performing when Shaw and David leavef? Curious about how do the engineers onboard move around, if they do. Surely there must be some artificial gravity, but to keep a little tiny android head perfectly in place during crash landing is still pretty nice feature to have. :rolleyes:

Or maybe David has magnets inside his head to anchor it in place just in case something like this happens. Best part of this movie is that it leaves so many questions open for speculation :lol
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

The thing is artificial gravity is unknown science, so would you be attracted to the floor of the ship instead of the gravity of the moon?
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I initially posted this in the figure section, so you know from the beginning that i am an idiot. All idiotic comments have been reproduced faithfully and in their original form:

I've just seen this film.

Here's my meaningless opinion which no one asked for!

Crap characterizations for all human characters. Virtually no depth and so cartoonishly stupid you'll be laughing at the first round of deaths. Fassbender does a good job with what he had to work with. Guy Pearce's character was a flatout embarassment on all levels. Yogurt from Spaceballs had a more realistic look and feel.

Tons of unexplained alien tech and nothing added to the mythos past the opening credits.

Ridley lost his way big time here, but he did leave a mile-wide opening for a sequel. I hope he has the opportunity to make it. If nothing else, it would help make up for all of the lost potential on this one.

The navigating Engineer kicked alot of butt in the pitifully short amount of time he was allowed on screen. He was the best part of the movie hands down! Needs his own show on premium cable.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Trying to piece together and make sense out of all these random ideas and things that were never meant to form a cohesive and coherent "grand" story to begin with becomes pointless.

Kinda funny when you think about it.

Is it not just as simple as it wasn't meant to make sense in the first place anyway.:dunno
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Maybe it's more to do with David? I know it sounds ridiculous but magnetism may not be so far fetched! :lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

- Death of Fifield and Millburn are not discussed again after they are found, with exception of brief mention of Fifield when he comes back as a zombie. And after the attack it is not discussed either. Nobody minds that the dead are returning to life.
- Shaw being pregnant with octopuss and cutting it out of her stomach by herself is only mentioned once and by David with humorous tone. Ford and the other guy who Shaw whacks out knew, yet nobody mentions it again. Not even Shaw. The creature is just left to grow inside lifepods medroom.

No-one really liked eachother on the ship so I don't think people really cared when people started dying.

Weyland, Vickers, David and the other chick only care about saving Weyland and meeting the Engineer. Once Shaw discovers this she jumps straight on the bandwagon.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


It's a movie Moloch...if you're having this much trouble reconciling might want to give up visiting the cinema.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


It's a movie Moloch...if you're having this much trouble reconciling might want to give up visiting the cinema.

:goodpost: can't deal with the moaning and groaning, i've come here to discuss and argue constructively :monkey1
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

:goodpost: can't deal with the moaning and groaning, i've come here to discuss and argue constructively :monkey1

Ok, bye then. Sad to see we can't discuss the movie as whole, but only the good parts. Sure I may have used some bit more sarcastic tones in my later posts but the complaints are still valid in my opinion.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Ok, bye then. Sad to see we can't discuss the movie as whole, but only the good parts. Sure I may have used some bit more sarcastic tones in my later posts but the complaints are still valid in my opinion.

Why did you sign up to a high end collectibles forum to nitpick and complain about this film (every one of your posts is in a Prometheus movie thread)? You should have gone to avpgalaxy to do this; they'd love you over there.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Charlie Chaplin's youngest son is still only 49 years of age. If Charlie Chaplin was alive today he would be 123 years old.
Maybe Weyland outlived his previous partner, and had a child with a new partner? He's very rich so the mother could be any age.

Yeah, too bad we're talking about the movie and not Charlie Chaplin. Sorry, but the fact remains that theres nothing noted about him having a daughter. Doesn't mean he didn't have one at 68, but saying Charlie Chaplin had one late in life has nothing to do with Weyland or the movie. I worked with an metallurgist on a project once that didn't start having his family until late in life, think he was 58 when he had his firstborn. That also has nothing to do with this movie as well. The fact remains it still places it in a small percentage and leaves it open to vickers being an android. I'm not saying she is, I'm saying its a possibility. :dunno
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

He wanted someone to carry his legacy.

He didn't get it.

Exactly this. Isn't it convenient that Bishop II looked just like Peters father? Not a little, but exactly, as if cloned or an advanced android, just like the Bishop series androids. It could just be them "wanting Lance Henricksen" to appear in every other flick or it could be that artificial propogation became Weylands only choice.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Ok, bye then. Sad to see we can't discuss the movie as whole, but only the good parts. Sure I may have used some bit more sarcastic tones in my later posts but the complaints are still valid in my opinion.

I think you're being overly critical of areas (ie. you call it bad writing, when we don't know how bad it was edited from original) but at least you're backing up what you say and providing reasons, so its your opinion to have. This is much better imo than people that come in here and just say it sucked and you never see them again in the thread. We don't have to agree, but I respect that at least you're trying to explain your point of view. :clap
The more and more I think of the life cycle of squid face hugger, the more I think the Xeno from Alien is more the proto than the thing we see at the end. Think about it: what is a more efficient way to wipe out a population? Drop some goo in the world's water supply, making the men and women slowly break down/go insane and kill eachother, with some creating 'squid huggers' together before they get really sick (all depends how much goo you use I suppose) that impregnate survivors with Xenos that further hunt down survivors. How many wipe out fail safes does that culling have? lol Cuts out the need for a queen to lay eggs. And the Nostromo finding their jockey in a more ancient state of calcification just backs it more up that the Xenos in Alien are a less efficient, older prototype of the crap we see in Prometheus.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

The only thing that disappoints me about this movie is that this was one of those movies that could have GREAT. Throughout the first half I was very impressed and thought I was watching one of the greatest sci-fi flicks of all the time, but it went kind of downhill and left a slightly disappointing taste in my mouth with its rushed and incomplete story. I kept thinking as I walked out of the theater that the movie had so much potential and that it could have been GREAT but turned out to be just GOOD. It could have been GREAT...
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

No-one really liked eachother on the ship so I don't think people really cared when people started dying.

Weyland, Vickers, David and the other chick only care about saving Weyland and meeting the Engineer. Once Shaw discovers this she jumps straight on the bandwagon.

I don't agree with your last statment in the spoiler.

Shaw went along because of what the captian told her. She needed to see what would happen when they woke the Engineer up. Without her going along Earth would have been destroyed.

It's a movie Moloch...if you're having this much trouble reconciling might want to give up visiting the cinema.

Unless it's to see a Michael Bay film.
