Sideshow Mistress free stuff hour!!! Commences now at 7 pm PT 10/28/09. First 20 people to PM me in the next hour with the following:
1) choice of prize: squishy, humorous, wicked, or icky
2) Full name- phone number
3) Mailing address (no P.O. Boxes!!)
4) If you are international you may be responsible for import fees or VAT-sorry.
Rules: The first 20 who actually follow directions will be rewarded.Prizes are filled at my discretion.
Collect like a kid but act like a grown up-No sniveling. No whining.
It may take up to 2 weeks for fulfillment. We are running a big event you know!
***If you run across this post and it is past 8 PM PT on 10/28/09 DON'T PM ME!! You aren't even in the running for a prize so forget it!