ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!
jen, you won!!! Read her updated winners list!
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:
Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!
ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!
2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!
Also please remember that I am getting PMs from people who are not posting but lurking.![]()
PLease recheck the list as people were added.
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:
Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!
ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!
2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!
I missed the SSE Mummy PF too
Can someone please tell me what time it went up and how many were available?