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wow just catching up from about 40 pages ago.....:lol

awesome guys & gals...........:banana

i know we've all said it before at some point but sideshow really is the best arent they????

congrats to the winners.........:rock:rock

that wasnt too blatant sucking up was it?
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:

Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!

2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!

Congrats Six!!! Guess you are off the losing list now... :D
True true! I got a free Alien VCD and $50 gift code. Spook is awesome! :rock

I'm jealous! Alien VCD FTW!

I was delusional enough to think that I had a chance too:banghead

It really makes this monkey cry:monkey2

Uh, Six Mill...

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!


EDIT: Yeah, what FeatheredSerpent said! :lol
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:

Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!

2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!

Thanks Chicky!

How kind you are! :banana

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :lol I had to take my daughter to get her costume tailored tonight so I completely missed it! It's a bit disappointing, but more importantly my daughter's happy and her Jedi outfit now fits her perfectly and all the seams are reinforced. And for that, I'm content.

There're a few more days left anyway, so when I'm not doing Halloween stuff with my cutie pie, I'll pop in and see what my chances are. :lol
Also please remember that I am getting PMs from people who are not posting but lurking. :)

PLease recheck the list as people were added.
UPDATED Mistress hour winners are:

Nitro, Jackpot 76, THX-182 (even though he called me a meatbag!), mesa, Faken, Darth Crack, Entropy Chicken, Vander, BuffyGirl, BariBigBenG, its420brother, Kenbenobi (3rd times a charm!), Le Fantome, Batty, Aerosmith, ZombieSpyke (smoking crack thinking he is getting t-800 bust), akamonrg,Flapper97,black clad figure, and PAINFORALL!!!

ok so I was a softie and left those non readers up there and added some more: FeatheredSerpent, Kain 4521, Jen, Buttmunch, The Boot, Bishop, and SixMilliondollarManGuy!

2 weeks for delivery. All category prizes may not be the same - thats what makes it fun!

Thanks contest...glad I won!
yea congrats all..... the contest was fun I entered all my info was quick as I could but not fast enough...must take a typing course or something to prepare for next year hahaha:lol
yea congrats all..... the contest was fun I entered all my info was quick as I could but not fast enough...must take a typing course or something to prepare for next year hahaha:lol

:lol ...The chat room contests are the worst for having to read and type fast...



I can't believe this! First I get a gift card from Buttmunch for Apexplorer and now I win a bleeping contest!

*meltdown-critical* or
*spontanious combustion* or
*turns to pile of goo*