Darth Madden
You Are A Tooooooy!!!
Now I have no idea what icky could be!![]()
Its probably a plastic bag filled with whatever they cleaned out of the break room drain that day.
Now I have no idea what icky could be!![]()
Its probably a plastic bag filled with whatever they cleaned out of the break room drain that day.![]()
Another Mort comic and set of decoder glasses...![]()
Holy Crap!!! The UPS guy just came and brought a package from sideshow, although I had received no shipping/tracking info (which means sideshow paid the shipping too!!!!)...I believe it is from the contest on the freaks board with the first 25 to PM chicky...I picked wicked....and I received the Hot toys alien 3 Dog Alien!!!!![]()
Thanks Chicky!!!!![]()
Holy bleep! I too won Chicky's first 25 contest and picked wicked. Perhaps this is a good sign for me too. Funny, I thought Aliens would fall under icky.:chew
Congrats FS![]()
Its probably a plastic bag filled with whatever they cleaned out of the break room drain that day.![]()
*want it*![]()
Thats awesome! Alot more than I thought we would get in that giveaway..I was in the same one..the 25 one and I won...wicked also..havent recieved anything yet though.
Thanks bud!!
I'm sure it is on the way Six, I can't wait to see the pics of your plastic bag filled with whatever they cleaned out of the break room drain that day.![]()
I also play 40, fantasy, and lotr... Games Workshop nerd:chew and proud of it
I think Pumpkinhead could be icky...... though I think that guy would actually scare me.![]()
Hmmmmm...what else could be icky....
Dang...this is actually REALLY icky.....almost too icky for me.
You know what I would really, really love...any of the Alien dioramas. I may have to go on the hunt for those soon....I am beginning to regret not getting that line when it was available. They are just so cool and a good size that wouldn't take up too much room in my collection.
I just want SS to send me the Kroenen, Sammael, and Abe framed art pieces
They've been in stock for a LONG time and I think they would fit nicely in my collection with the Hellboy one I already have... how about it... * elbow nudge *![]()
Anyone received their icky prize yet? I was thinking icky = aliens...but I guess those are wicked.![]()
Received an Ed and a Chainsaw killer last week... sent them off today to a couple of friends for their collection![]()
Anyone received their icky prize yet? I was thinking icky = aliens...but I guess those are wicked.
Now I have no idea what icky could be!![]()