Super Freak
Giving up for now, will look later if I find out its a SH word.
Same here, bro. If it turns out to be another product than what we thought, I will be upset. hahahah!
Giving up for now, will look later if I find out its a SH word.
Gollum was a must buy, but Vampirella was too soft-core porn for my taste. I might have considered it if it had looked like the photoshopped version. But as it is, no.
I think its gotten a little too "out of our hands" with the thousands of outsiders who are flocking on to win stuff who we will never hear from again. Its like when a local band hits it big and goes from you being able to see them for $10 with 50 people to now you have to shell out $100 and sit with 10,000 other fans.
I have no interest in displaying a bunch of 1:2 decapitated heads and absolutely no desire to support a Dead line outside of the 12" figures. That interest was killed by two things; the PZ PF bull____ and the fact that they dropped the 1:6 to do polystone stuff.
That said, maybe this is a sign for us to spend more times with our families and let those who don't have them, enjoy Spook. Tonight's a good example. I don't give a ____ what goes up tonight from 9-9:30. Nothing's coming between my daughter and I watching Clone Wars together. It'll be less support from us old timers as the spooks continue, but with all the douchiness in chat which just isn't fun anymore (an no, it's got nothing to do with me not winning anything), and it looks like they're embracing the "gimme gimme" crowd anyway.
Yeah, we already love this stuff. SS does this to get others into the hobby. Maybe it's just time to enjoy it casually.
On a side note, there's like 30 unopened emails in my inbox all titiled :Thanks for your entry!
Tonight is our families annual pumpkin carving contest.... Pizza, classic universal monster movies and the entire family all under one roof. No Pre-Order is worth missing out on a moment like that.
I've voting for CFTBL as the first movie of the night.![]()
Yeah, we have an oldschool Karloff stop-motion deal we found last year that we watch before trick-or-treating on Halloween. As much of a fan of Sideshow as I am, family is the priority.
I have no interest in displaying a bunch of 1:2 decapitated heads and absolutely no desire to support a Dead line outside of the 12" figures. That interest was killed by two things; the PZ PF bull____ and the fact that they dropped the 1:6 to do polystone stuff.
That said, maybe this is a sign for us to spend more times with our families and let those who don't have them, enjoy Spook. Tonight's a good example. I don't give a ____ what goes up tonight from 9-9:30. Nothing's coming between my daughter and I watching Clone Wars together. It'll be less support from us old timers as the spooks continue, but with all the douchiness in chat which just isn't fun anymore (an no, it's got nothing to do with me not winning anything), and the expansion into more modern venues, it looks like they're embracing the "gimme gimme" crowd anyway.
family is the priority.
On a side note, there's like 30 unopened emails in my inbox all titiled :Thanks for your entry!
I'd rather have 30 emails saying "Congratulations, you have won a Spooktacular prize!"On a side note, there's like 30 unopened emails in my inbox all titiled :Thanks for your entry!
same here, i miss the final chat every year so i can go tricl or treating with the kids, same for the scavenger hunt. i just track the word to hope for a runner up.
A Friday night on the weekend of Halloween where 95% of kids have some type of school carnival or so. My son's carnival is in 30 minutes and Sideshow can shove it if they think I am missing it. I am going to be really pissed if I miss the Cyclops EX PF because I don't know why they couldn't keep their preorder times consistent during the week.SS does realize that it's Friday night right?
A Friday night on the weekend of Halloween where 95% of kids have some type of school carnival or so. My son's carnival is in 30 minutes and Sideshow can shove it if they think I am missing it. I am going to be really pissed if I miss the Cyclops EX PF because I don't know why they couldn't keep their preorder times consistent during the week.
Yeah. Halloween will be like that for me as well. We'll take the kids trick-or-treating at the mall from 12-3, then home for Karloff and a few other cartoons, then dinner before they go trick-or-treating with the wife in the evening while I scare the kids who knock on our door, then back inside at 9:30 to prep for Walking Dead at 10. So all the pimply-faced virgins who whack it to hentai are free to embrace their inner entitlement douchery on the 31st. Come November 15th, they'll be long gone with their Spook winnings from some company called "Sunbow Connectibles" and we'll still be here, as the supporting backbone of our favorite collectibles company, Sideshow.
A Friday night on the weekend of Halloween where 95% of kids have some type of school carnival or so. My son's carnival is in 30 minutes and Sideshow can shove it if they think I am missing it. I am going to be really pissed if I miss the Cyclops EX PF because I don't know why they couldn't keep their preorder times consistent during the week.
Off to get some Chinese food then watch Trick R Treat. Congrats to all the winners today!