Okay, now they are taking the "Shadow" concept too far ...

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Super Freak
Sep 17, 2005
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Okay, I am not in the Hasblo crowd ... I love my figures and Titanium collection. But, this picture sent a burst a laughter reverberating through my body:


Exactly how stealthy can a walking attack base be ... even painted black. But if they ever attack a planet without a Sun, the only warning the enemy will have is ... um ... that grinding noise from the legs and the earthquake-like shaking of the ground ... :rolleyes:
I thought the EXACT same thing when I saw this. Come on!

They think they can just paint something black and resell it as stealth? That's like a statue company painting a colored statue black and white and calling it special! :monkey3
Dude, that's retarded. :emperor

I mean, what would be the point? To make the AT-AT stealthy? So the rebels wouldn't see it coming? :confused: It's huge! It shakes the freakin' earth! It's about as stealthy as a freight train. Might as well paint it bright pink, cover it with air horns and blast "Flight of the Valkries" through some loudspeakers.
Creative liscense? OH! wait, It's vader's personal AT-At, it's not Stealth, He just wanted it to match his suit.......

Like the shadow troopers....

I dunno about you guys, but I really dig this. A stealth AT-AT is totally plausible. Just like my Stealth Super Star Destroyer and my Stealth Rancor. And my Stealth Sandcrawler which was hi-jacked by my Stealth C-3PO. Now excuse me while I go eat a Stealth cheeseburger and then take a Stealth dump.
I for one am a fan of the Shadow Stormtrooper. For at least the last 10 years I was facinated with the idea of an all black Stormie and even had plans to get one tattooed. All the time I never knew one existed in the comics. Ever since that 3 3/4" one was released it's all been downhill and beat to death IMHO...
Okay, I am not in the Hasblo crowd ... I love my figures and Titanium collection. But, this picture sent a burst a laughter reverberating through my body:


Exactly how stealthy can a walking attack base be ... even painted black. But if they ever attack a planet without a Sun, the only warning the enemy will have is ... um ... that grinding noise from the legs and the earthquake-like shaking of the ground ... :rolleyes:

OK, I was having a pretty bad day..... and this cheered me up, no end. THANK YOU.

Similar note: I remember the point where the DARK EMPIRE novels lost me.

Han: "Luke! Behind you, it's a walker!"

I had this mental image of an Imperial Walker, tip-toeing from tree to tree, like a wolf from an old Tex AVery cartoon, sneaking up on our napping heroes...

Now, I can see how it happened. The Mark IV Stealth Walker. Who's up for the Desert Camo Pattern Walker? Lemme see a show of hands!

If there's a chance of it selling no matter how ridiculous an item, companies will make it. This looks terrible.:monkey4
The whole "Shadow" concept has been a lazy, uninspired, cheap, cheesy, and tacky marketing ploy since Day 1.
The whole "Shadow" concept has been a lazy, uninspired, cheap, cheesy, and tacky marketing ploy since Day 1.

One thing to keep in mind: HASBRO has STAR WARS brand fever. HASBRO is making more revenue from STAR WARS now than they were two years ago when SITH came out. It's a brand that sells itself without the need for a support film (whether the merchandise supports the film or the film supports the merchandise, well.... that's YOU call).

HASBRO will put the STAR WARS brand on ANYTHING they can. Shadow versions, Ralph McQuarrie concept versions, shadow versions of Ralph McQuarrie concept versions.

And they are running low on source material! No new films, and the tv shows are a while off. That rapid change in cabin pressur you will feel when the CLONE WARS cartoon rounds the bend will be the result of dozens of HASBRO executives exhaling simultaneously.

So, be kind to HASBRO, when you think of them. They are a poor toy company with a firm death-grip on STAR WARS, the most reliable American brand since Coca-Cola. All they want to do is release MILLIONS of STAR WARS toys, and they are aching for more source material.

Just food for thought!

I remember in 1977 when Star Wars came out. I was confused by the bad guys wearing white. I was used to all of the good cowboys wearing white and the bad cowboys (does anyone remember "Black Bart"?) wearing black. It really messed with my sense of order. I got over that, but since my first glimps of a white-armored Stromtrrooper, I thought they would look much better in black. I considered it to be a blessing that Russ Manning brought that incarnation of the Stormtroopers to ink and page. And I still do. But I am not interested in seeing EVERYTHING in black. The AT-AT needs to be white.