Old Ben Shipping Experiment

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Date Placed:
2007-06-07 19:22:38

Still at order placed. Seeing Adam's in person only made the waiting worse.
finally received my shipping notice. about mf'ing time! :D

i impatiently await his arrival.
Ok, now there's just some higher collecting force screwing with me. I see a few people got some ship notices tonight, so I go to check my email, CAN'T sign into the account right now, what in the hell...
Ok, now there's just some higher collecting force screwing with me. I see a few people got some ship notices tonight, so I go to check my email, CAN'T sign into the account right now, what in the hell...

My fingers are crossed that you will receive good news tonight.
Thanks Tom, and sorry everyone for going a little cookoo for cocoa puffs, but those of you that have him know the awesomeness that we waiting folks anticipate.

I will reward everyone for dealing with my BS though, oh yes, you will soon know why I've gone off the deep end over this figure.
Ben is puzzled as he tries to figure out why they only sent me 2/3 of a stand:
