I'm actually more concerned with looks than articulation, what's the paint and sculpting quality on Goldar and the Putty?
Went to the TRU site and found the new Dragon Dagger
I really really really dont see myself picking this up.
That's a shame, I'd pick up a Dragon Dagger if done like the original 90's one with just a bit better quality.
I found them today at my local walmart. I picked up Red, Green, Alpha, and Goldar. I'll pick up the others later. There seem to be plenty of the others. There was only 2 greens and 1 alpha 2 goldars and 1 puddy.
When I went to check out, they didnt even ring up. The lady had to manually punch in the UPC code. They were $5.86
any comparisons with the og yet?
Seems like these haven't hit anywhere around here yet, checked out a TRU pretty far from the Walmart I'd checked and they had nothing either.