Super Freak
Re: Sideshow/ Olivetti - Venom Comiquette
more pics....please...we need more pics
more pics....please...we need more pics
well i just got mine today and have to say this is one of the best peices that ssc has ever done. sad to say though that once again this one arrived with some paint issues.i'm getting so sick and tired of this shat happening to me all the time.
i would maybe have to explain first what i encountered when i opened up my venom.. when i first opened him up everything was ok, but after getting him out of the styrofoam insert i noticed the foam wrapping was sticking to the back side of him and on closer examination after pulling off the wrap i noticed he was shiny in certain areas.
well he was wet with some sort of liquid. well after slightly trying to dry/wipe off this liquid, paint just rubbed off with the slightest dab or rub where he had been wet.
the liquid wasn't water or anything else that would of dryed easily imo, it almost had a slight petroleum smell to it, or maybe a hint of poly possibly.
i doubt if anyone else has had this happen or i'm sure we'd heard about it.
so let the smart ass comment begin about venom piss etc...![]()
santa will bring venom to me!!!![]()
Where on venom did he wet himself? Black or white paint rubbed off? So you think he was put in package too soon without being able to dry? Or was something added afterwards?
I also smelt that new poly smell, which seemed strong, which I always breath in heavily as it's part of my routine with opening a new piece. I'm sure it's probably not good for you.
Didn't dry properly.. nice QC once again.
well at first that's what i thought but wouldn't it still dry in the month+ it took to sail over and be shipped from ssc. then the wrap would've been dried to the statue instead of wet and goohey.
i'm not sure since i couldn't tell ya what kind of paint they use though, all i know soon or later ssc is going to quit shipping to me pretty soon since i've had a rather high percentage of destroy to receive new one or credit incidents.
the funny thing is that most of the other items i've been forced to destroy required very little attention to be fixed or repaired and no one would've even known.
I kinda lke the art print now...![]()