This whole debate whether it was ethical to keep the dog alive reminds me of a scenario that happened to me a long time ago.
We had a few rabbits one summer, a bunch of cute little bunnies. One afternoon I heard these terrible cries come from outside in the back yard in the little set up we made in the back for them.
A dog or a cat somehow got in the yard (which was pretty fenced in and secure) and attacked the little nest of them. It was one of the worst, blood curdling sounds I had ever heard at the time. I ran out there and didn't get a glimpse of what attacked them. It was a massacre. I assumed it was a dog or cat but never really analyzed the wounds or marks.
Anyway, out of the 7-8 bunnies, only one was dead.
They're still making noise, crying moving, obviously in pain. This is as far as I'll go into details one was so ****ed up that part of it's face was missing and you could see it's nerves and stuff moving in conjunction of controlling/moving it's limbs. It was clearly alive and conscious. Then my girlfriend at the time comes out and is crying "do something, do something, what do we do" and I feel horrible. The ****ing things were clearly in agonizing pain and I was young. Do I take them to the vet, what the hell do I do?
Well, I thought about it for about a minute, after all the crying and all the noise and I knew I had to do them in. I took this ****ing rock and just smashed the hell out of them. One at a time, I smashed them all.
I'll probably lose my man card for this, but I felt terrible, I probably did tear up. As far as animals go, it was one of the harshest scenarios I ever encountered.
The logic I had afterwards was this. They were in pain, they're animals, they're dying, it was my responsibility to put them down.
Euthanization is a *****.
As far as this video goes, I've seen some pretty terrible ****. I watched it and really, I actually thought "it's just a dog".
I have pets of my own, cats and a dog. I love them dearly but, they're house hold pets. This was a dying stray dog. There are strays everywhere you go. Is it sad? Of course. I don't think they did that dog any favors though. It was clearly in pain and miserable.
I understand their reasoning but, "eh, it's just a dog".
Okay guys, this is getting a bit graphic and out of hand. People are kind of losing the point of the video... Why everyone has to analyze **** to death is beyond me. Not everything needs an analysis approach. Oh, and about the bunny story. One second, I am about to lose my lunch...![]()
Nobody wants to know about this dog communicator thing that they said they used??!??
I just blew it off as silly nonsense. It had zero effect on the good deed and the dog at least got to experience what it was like to be loved and cared for by an affectionate owner before passing.
I really don't see how it was a good deed to prolong this dog's suffering,
sure you could say he was cared by a loving owner before passing, but so what? is not like dogs have souls or anything, once gone that was it, I did think it was really sad that they kept him in pain, the dog was obviously in a lot of pain,
My aunt was in a lot of pain... but she didn't want to die. Oh sure, many people including myself wanted it to end, but she didn't... Seems like we seen this movie before. Hmmm. You can't speak for everyone... or assume. Just move along. We get that you're not happy with it. But this broken record syndrome you're having is getting old... fast.
If I come off insensitive... lets just say death, or the thought of it, makes me frustrated. Gee, I wonder why. My point is, you can't change people's opinions. If they want to think a certain way. Let them.
There's been a bit said in this thread about the motives behind those who made and published the video. Here's an article for context:
I'm pretty sure their heart is in the right place, and they did love the dog for a few hours,
just makes me really sad to see the dog, see him in pain, that's all, just makes me sad and mad,
I really don't see how it was a good deed to prolong this dog's suffering,
sure you could say he was cared by a loving owner before passing, but so what? is not like dogs have souls or anything, once gone that was it, I did think it was really sad that they kept him in pain, the dog was obviously in a lot of pain,
So next time you're in a lot of pain, we'll just have you put down. Hell, with your monumental *****ing and whining in the "sexes" thread, maybe we should put you down right now.![]()
if that is what I want, please, do it!
because we don't know what the dog wanted,
I guess I have a problem with this since I experienced it firsthand
I sure as hell wish I took the dog I found in the street, beat up and dying, to the vet to put her to sleep a lot sooner that I did,
that is something I will feel guilty about forever,
it was at night, the places were closed, it wasn't even my fult, yet I had to wait a whole night with that poor dog shaking and bleeding in my garage,