The Monster
Super Freak
Congrats kuzeh!
Your Thriller WereCat Figure looks AMAZING!
Glad to see that it was in the show.


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Yeah Nick, you are seeing things. Thats custom that's been around here for months now. You really need to venture out of horror some more.
I NEED ONE WHO MAKES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Beto, but I think its long since sold out.
It is sold out.
The one in the picture belongs to Q I think. Myself, DarthMagnus, & Q all own one. Not sure if anyone else has a full figure assembled by Beto. Others bought the pieces and assembled IT them self.
I too own one of Beto's Pennywises! It's one of my top 5 figures of my collection.
Did Beto put yours together or was it assemble by you? The shoes look way different then the one I have.
I put it together. I know they might no be accurate, but I like these shoes better. They are black mate sneakers which still fit the characters personality, imho.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with them, just didn't match the shoes I have on my figure made by Beto.
I love the figure also man. So far it is tied for first with my Hobo Myers as my favorite figure.
Where'd you get the head stand?
SLIM THE CLOWN by One's Customs!!! Owned by DarthMagnus.
Told ya buddy!