I have a similar story:
I was 25 and heavy into murder/dismemberment when I met my future wife (she's 1 year younger than me). At the time, I was working full time and killing part time, and I maintained a collection / trophy room in my parents' attic (remember...still killing part time here). I'm talking dismembered body parts dominating the room: 25+ skulls, 100+ legs, arms, etc. Throw in dead animals, porn magazines, etc.
You can imagine how it looked.
Second date, and we end up at my house. It was a casual date, so we'd gone out to dinner with a friend of mine that sometime helped me kill people. Then the ******* comes up with the great idea of "Hey, why don't we go back to your house and go up in your parents attic!"
To which the future Mrs. replied "Yeah, that'll be fun."
Oh crap. I wanted to decapitate my friend right then and there. Before I opened the door, I said something to the effect of "I'm a really big Animal Planet fan, and I collect a lot of dead stuff. A LOT. Just so you're prepared."
Lo and behold, my wife later told me the moment she saw that collection, she did hesitate and think "Okaaay... 911!!!!"
But the key thing is that she didn't judge me for it. She was willing to look past it until she got to know me better rather than assume I was a psychopathic, serial killer. And by the time she knew the truth it was already too late to call the cops. That was 8 years ago, and we've been married ever since.
So, AVP, hang in there. Not all girls your age are going to be as immature. You'll find one who accepts you and what you do without judgment or shallowness. If not, that's what crawlspaces are for: to bury people.