Super Freak
Long live P!tu!!
The P!sade p!ntinues!!!
The P!sade p!ntinues!!!
Long live P!tu!!
The P!sade p!ntinues!!!
Ok !!!!
OMG what is wrong with being a pitu fan , pitu rocks , he should own his own messege board :maul
OMG what is wrong with being a pitu fan , pitu rocks , he should own his own messege board :maul
How is the view from P!TU's nuts?
Very very hairy.
How is the view from P!TU's nuts?
EWWW why r u there banny??
Dude you don't have to be there to know these things. You constantly email me pictures of yourself in some weird attempt to impress me.
I thought that was between you and me!!!! i cant trust you anymore!!! dont leak those pic!!
Give me a cut of P!tuvision when it goes global and you got a deal.
Ok OK!! 10%
Sweetness. Feel free to Paypal me that dime anytime.
No problem!! oh wait a minute! PP takes it!
Give me a cut of P!tuvision when it goes global and you got a deal.
No, he is not, Pitu is Attention Whoremonger and a Spam-a-holic to boot. Also, thefact that you started your stay here with a 'Pitu' thread does not sit well with me because...well Pitu Sucks.:emperor...pitu is the greatest...
P!tuvision will be skipping both theaters and home video and going directly to a Viewmaster release.
And I went ahead and relocated this thread to the "Introductions" area, as that seemed more appropriate.