So I have the Avenged maquette and GH coming. Why should I get this looking to get talked into or out of.
I'll just tell you my logic behind picking this on over the gHulk and maquette. (Even though if I could, I'd get them all. Haha)
This is a comic hulk. When I look at this, especially with the two heads, it is hulk. I really loved the avengers movie, thought hulk was perfect for a movie, but if they ever recast ruffalo (which will happen eventually), they would use mo-cap with the new actor, changing hulks appearance. And that might even bump the resale value of the maquette, but it would make the statue less desirable to me. Especially if the new actor/cg hulk looked better than the avengers one.
Gladiator hulk for me really just comes down to not having the money, and just not absolutely loving it. I mean, I loved planet hulk. It is my favorite story arc ever! But... That's just not how I want hulk depicted in my collection. To me, hulk is the natural threat. Doesn't need the weapons, or the armor, he is just a BEAST. The perfect specimen of strength/dominance. So right now, with my money situation, I have to pick statues based on the thought of, "if I could only have one".
Why this statue resonates with me, besides just the face sculpts, is the pose. I've always thought the Hulk should have a gorilla esque nature in him. (As seen in avengers with him walking on all fours and having the pronounced hunch with a barbell chest and huge back/traps.) And this is that primal pose I love seeing hulk do. Idk why they made him standing up straight in the maquette, if they did a pose similar to this, good god. Haha
Hope this helps sway you either way. All in all, get what you love man.