I think they're both level. It could be the angle of the pic that gives us that impression tooRulk is raised much higher.
Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon
I think they're both level. It could be the angle of the pic that gives us that impression tooRulk is raised much higher.
Lol I'll wait for more pics CollNot sure about depth but pretty certain about height.
Think they're both on a riser dude. Look to the right of the picture by KH and you'll see the fabric over the riser
Sent from the Cack Pit of the Millenium Falcon
Rulk is raised much higher.
Lmao.this is what happens when barely visible pics go up. Everyone is just antsy to see the rest of them pictures from SSThis got out of hand fast.
This got out of hand fast.
Quiet in here. Not one decent picture...