Master Replicas AT-AT SE unpacking:

Thanks for sharing. Must be one awesome item to unpack!
I have to admit there was no other item that I unpacked feeling so excited about.It is a huge monster box, it didn't even fit in my car, so a neighbor with a small truck helped me carry it to the house. It took a while until everything was unpacked and assembled, but there was no fear for a second that the AT-AT might have some issues or damages, like with some recent eFX items.
The AT-AT was MIB, never opened, I got it from an EU shop that doesn't exist anymore, and they sold the remaining stock items for cool prices. Wish I had the $ for both AT-AT's, they had the LE too back then, but glad I went with the Signature Edition version (the SE was $70 or so more than the LE IIRC), the SE is totally better than the dancing on ice LE.