I dunno, Steelers spotted them an 18-point lead. Even if the Packers had the Sisters of Mercy playing for 'em at corner, I would think it would be pretty hard to piss away a frickin' 18-point lead.
Wow...if wining by 11 in the 4th quarter, with two of your best defenders out and causing yet another turnover is choking I'd hate to see what your definition of winning is.
lol, when did I say they choked? And like I said, it would be "pretty hard to piss away an 18-point lead" - which has so far held true - they havent pissed it away. Remember reading is fundamental.
This is a really sloppy ass game. Turnovers, check. Dropped passes, check. Bad tackling, check. Insane amount of penalties, check. Injuries, check. Shanked field goal, check. Bad umpiring, check. Botched lyrics of the national anthem, check.
At least the game is fairly close, otherwise it might be the worst played Superbowl in the last several years.
lol, again, when did I say they choked? Are you mentally challenged?
You didn't..never said you did. Don't make this more than it is.
Reread the previous posts...you jumped on something I said defending the packers when someone said they were choking.
Then why do you keep restating that I said they choked. And when did I "jump" on you? It seems like, for whatever reason, I hurt your man-feelings when I said "making excuses already?" Seems to me like youre making this out more than it is. If you cant handle innocent ribbing, maybe you should try another message board that's a little more benign, say fishing? Or knitting? Not a sports thread.
Fox productions always feel second rate to me. Not sure what it is exactly, but it seems less professional and polished than what you get on CBS, NBC, or ESPN. Sucks, because they have had the NFC coverage rights for the last several years, so this is mostly what I see.
I guess we'll be seeing that retarded football robot before the day is done. . .
This ____ is fixed.