First - if you've called someone names in this thread you're post has been deleted.
Second - Actually he's not aware. I emailed him about this thread and he responded that he only has dial-up right now and was unable to get the thread to load - no doubt because of all the useless images and animated .gifs in it. Here's his response:
douglasmcc said:Hi. I am not sure what the thread is about. I turned my cable off 2 weeks ago (I am moving at the end of the month, and spend so much time at my girlfriend's house, it seemed like a waste of money) and the broadband went with it. She has dial-up, but the forums are a nightmare trying to navigate on dial-up. I tried to access your link this morning, but gave up after 2 minutes of waiting for the site to load. So, the only readily available internet connection is from work and they block all forums with the nanny software.
Not sure what the controversy is over. I had one seller who filed a non-receipt for an item I sold, but he received it and canceled the claim the same day. I had another person I traded with late last month for a Bib who sent me a broken Jawa bust set. I was originally going to wait to see if Gentle Giant would replace it, but I don't feel like dealing with the trouble. I am going to ship the item to him today.
Other than that, I can't imagine what problems might exist. Between moving in together and the last 9 weeks of my teaching semester here, I just don't have the time to participate like I used to. If you would like to post this as a reply, feel free. If not, I understand as well. I hope to be able to return to regular surfing and forum life after we move. Hopefully, I haven't burned any bridges there. If I sold something to someone and they still haven't gotten it, please tell them to e-mail me. I will take care of it ASAP. Thanks for the message.
So if you have an issue with him, send me a PM and I'll give you his email address. ONLY AFTER Dave emails him he's going to ship the item today!? give me a break. Take care of your community Dave. Look around at how many stand up people are telling you about this guy.