Emarae isn't an artist. He's simply a collector.
First of all, I like to consider myself an artist!

It's how I made my living for over 20 years anyways. Do I knowingly buy stuff, that's another story...
I was made aware of the other thread that was just closed last night and that my name was being thrown around. I started to leave a long post, but couldn't post it as it was closed soon after! I thought I wasted a good 30 minutes of my life trying to air things out, but have now found this thread, so I'll post what I wrote here. And for those trying to throw me under the bus without asking first, you know what you can do with yourselves!
Hey gang! Just wanted to chime in to this thread as it was brought to my attention a few times since attending Famcon that my name is being thrown around in connection to buying recasts from Q or something like that. I never followed this thread as I'm not interested in topics like this that waste more of my valuable time as they can just be never ending long debates. When I find the time I'll check this thread to see where I come up specifically, but to hopefully clear some air on where I come in, here is my long boring story if anyone really cares that much..!
I know Q as I used to be a fairly frequent Frank & Sons shopper. I don't go as often as I used to, but it's not far from me if I need to go anytime I want when they're open. He's been there for years and only got to know him better in the past year or so since I have been seriously into 1/6 collectibles. I've been collecting 1/6 seriously for about 2 years now, so not very long at all compared to many of you here. Look at my post numbers and you'll see I've only made around 700 so far. I have no idea how some of you can reach numbers like 20,000 or more, but it would seem to me some certainly have more free time than I do. That being said, I don't follow that many threads and often miss out on things or come in late because of this. But somehow I have been lucky to still get on lists for figures I want and much of it is from following the few friends I have made here and following the work of artist I like, such as Rainman and Betomatali and the works of iminime to name a few.
I'm a late comer to Breaking Bad as I just started watching the series a few months back. I instantly became a fan and was now understanding what was so popular about the bashes I've been seeing of a bald guy with chem equipment. At first I thought it was some guy from a show like Myth Busters or something, and didn't even have a clue it was the father from Malcolm in the Middle... Anyways, I quickly learned the sculpt was from Trevor Grove who I have personally come to know. I also came to watching Dexter late and also became a late comer fan of that series. Anyways, I tried to buy the Walter Whites from Trevor, but he told me he no longer was making casts and would persue other endeavors, but might make more in the future.
Since I couldn't buy directly from Trevor, I did what anyone else would and looked on ebay and towards the SSF Forum for leads. Somehow I found someone selling the sculpts through some thread and contacted him about buying the cast. I forget the user name, but I don't recall it having "Q" in it. To be safe, I remember asking around (I don't care to mention names here) if this guy was legit and wouldn't rip me off and from what I gathered things were cool. I got my sculpts and had no idea they were recasts as they're really well done! The seller asked me to leave some feedback which I was glad to do, but in the end it seems I have been incriminated for doing so. Oh well..!
Now, even though I knew Q personally, I didn't know of his reputation. I didn't even know the guy I knew at Frank & Sons was Q until much later as well. For sometime I even thought Q was another guy at Frank & Sons, so I was all mixed up. I have since learned that I bought my casts from Q using another name and that my casts were recasts.
Ebay is another story as I buy TONS of stuff on ebay. I buy what I need at the time and don't really check sellers names as long as they have good feedback. I also buy & sell things for friends and family, so it's no ones business in the end how I use my account. Last I checked I had about 4,000 feedbacks at 100%, so not too bad. Anyways, I don't keep track of Q or his various different names, so I'll be more careful as to not upset anyone. I enjoy the hobby of kit bashing and I shop for what I need to meet my end goals for my own personal collection.
Am I a Q supporter, no. Did I buy from Q in the past, yes. Did I know or care about all of the drama, no. Do I support recasting, that's debatable and I don't care to comment now as I've already spent too much time putting out my personal story. I'm spending way too much time on this forum...! :/