Palpatine and Sandtrooper GG Bust Pics

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The Josh

Ringer @ Heart
Sep 5, 2005
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Well, the other day I decided I'd finally get around to getting these pieces. The Palpatine Bust I probably had in my cart on Bob's site a dozen times when he had it. I just never pulled the trigger. Don't know why because this piece is awesome!! The detail in the face alone makes it worth it. The job done by GG on this is worth the price I had to pay to get it. The costume detail is also really really nice.

The Sandtrooper bust I got is the Squad Leader (orange pauldron). As I've mentioned before I work over at Sandtroopers so I figured I should have a Sandtrooper item in my collection. Plus this is my favorite version of the ones GG did.

Just wanted to share this and a couple of pics with you all.

Enjoy :duff

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I am just getting into GG and I really want to get all 3 sandies to go in the case with my Dewback but I cant afford them right now.

Palpatine does look awesome and I hope to pick him up sometime.
I hear ya. I wouldn't mind having all 3 but for now this is good. Palps is so worth picking up and his price keeps creeping up and up and up.
Palpatine was a very wise choice Josh, it's a great shame how GG has gotten to be, you get mishaps like Qui-Gon that turn you off to the company, but at the same time, roll out pieces like Palpatine, Vader and Chewie and blow you away, they've become such a hit and miss company, luckily, at least with the mini busts, they haven't missed on anyone I care a lot for, I should be getting Jedi Luke soon, hopefully he'll be up to the par that GG set with their early human busts, if not, then I'll probably tag them as being unable to do great humans anymore, and be very selective about which ones I order. Oh, and Darth Maul mini rocks too, of course, Maul brother!
Josh, is it your photos or does your Palpatine have a grey tone to his skin. Mine's a flesh tone with shades of brown mixed in to give the sculpt depth so I was just curious if yours was different from that or not.
Josh how many different display options are they for the sandtrooper. I have all the ROTS clones and they are really cool.
Yeah, the Maul Bust is awesome!! Ordered that one right away.

MaulFan said:
Josh, is it your photos or does your Palpatine have a grey tone to his skin. Mine's a flesh tone with shades of brown mixed in to give the sculpt depth so I was just curious if yours was different from that or not.

Mine kind of has a greyish skin tone. Some flesh tones mixed with almost a whiteish/grey.

jason2885 said:
Josh how many different display options are they for the sandtrooper. I have all the ROTS clones and they are really cool.

4 I do believe.
I bought the Palpatine bust last year and I have to say it's truly an awesome piece. I'm not big into GG busts, but I had to get this one because it's such a great representation of the character. :cool:
jason2885 said:
Would you mind taking some pics of like all the pieces spread out. Also is the backpack removable.

You mean of all the pieces individually?

No the backpack stays on.
jlcmsu said:
You mean of all the pieces individually?

No the backpack stays on.
Yeah I just would like to see all that comes with the bust. I will be getting this one eventually and I just wanted to see all the options.
I got ya.

I'll take some pics of my own but for now here's some pics a Dave (Boba Binks) at Sandtroopers took. Different pics of the Sandtroopers but you get the idea.

Yeah, pretty cool. I personally like the bigger gun being used to pose this with but if you got them all you could do each I suppose. Though on the CT I do have the same pose but I like the double gun look.
Im not to particuarly fond of the double gun look. I only have my Utaupa bust in that pose right now. I also like the bigger gun with the orange one.
Nice addition, Josh. I think the Sandtroopers are pretty cool. I have all three of them.
Thanks Batty!! I got mine through GG site actually. There where only a couple on ebay and the shipping made them higher than what I could get it from GG. The Palps bust cost me $95 bucks but this piece appears to be rising.
That seems like a good price for Palpatine. Weren't prices around the $150 mark right after it came out? I remember how surprised people were when he sold out so fast.
Wow, he's going for that much, that kinda makes me glad I pre order right away at Star Wars Shop, I'd hate to spend double on these on secondary market.