Heck with mortgage interest rates as low as they are now why would you even want to pay cash for a house? After the 20% down you could invest the rest in something that could probably end up making you money in the long run.
Yep. That's a great point. There is a valid counter argument that carrying a mortgage at the current rates as long as possible, even paying interest only and then investing the funds into a higher yield investment is smarter. Risky as hell though.
I fall in the middle.
Personally, I don't see the point in paying rent to a landlord while all your cash sits in a savings account making .01% interest until you have $200,000 seems to suggest just to avoid paying 3.5% interest.

But I also don't believe that you should invest in higher risk stuff instead of paying your mortgage.
For me, paying off the mortgage early is a guaranteed 3.5% profit plus the peace of mind of watching it go down.