Peter Pan Syndrome

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Demi G0D Overseer
Sep 13, 2006
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First what is a syndrome? Here is wiki's definition:

In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others. In recent decades the term has been used outside of medicine to refer to a combination of phenomena seen in association.

So now I give you "Peter Pan Syndrome" this phrase is not to be used without the authority of BadMoon INC. Just kidding. I think almost all of this have this in some way. I know I am guilty of it. Prime example for me would be the latest Indy movie. The first time I watched it I just couldn't believe what I watched. It thought what a crappy movie. I was so heart broken, that what I watched actually happened. So I stewed on it for a few days. I gave the movie a thumbs up. After all I didn't hate it. But it just wasn't the same as the old ones. I wonder why? Then it hit me. I am older. Yes it sucks but so are you too. I then realized why should I let the kid in me die. Why so serious? Maybe the Joker is right. "Why so serious?" Hmmm?

So my wife wanted to see the new Indy movie. I kinda cringed but said ok no problem. I was hoping it would be better. Guess what? I threw all my adultism out the door and I loved it! I still could do without the whole UFO taking off but so what! Damnit I loved the movie.

So that was just an example. I am sure there are many many others. Now I am really trying to contribute to the boards due to my recent threads just trying to communicate stuff I was upset about without having the words to create a worthy argument. You will find that all here. LOL!

So here we all are. We are way older than half of the movies in which we collect pieces from. So something new comes out and a bunch of us hate it. Maybe it is because we are just older and don't want to let things in. Maybe new ideas are hard to handle. Maybe we just plain like the older ones better. All of these are fine. However, most are not good at giving the new a chance. A good example of this is current 12 year old children. Ask them about Star Wars and get ready to pee your pants. Ask them what they like better. Do they like the prequels or the originals. Be prepared because they will most likely say the prequels. Yuck! LOL! But that is their first introduction to the SW universe. Much like mine was ROTJ sitting on my fathers lap watching it in theater. Guess which one is my favorite by the way? Take that Empire! :lol

So back to my point of "Peter Pan Syndrome". We are all older and have the trouble of having to deal with every day life. Why lose the child side? I for one have started too and don't like it. I need to have more fun with life. In that I don't just mean movies, collectibles, or any of that other stuff that means nothing. I created a thread about starving people in Africa while we complain about toys. I don't think my point really came across. Seriously why get so upset about things when you can enjoy it. If you don't like it maybe it is not for you. I understand that there are certainly things worth fighting for. I am not saying that your opinion doesn't count. I am just saying fight for what you believe in and what is important to you. Don't get in arguements over stuff that doesn't matter. Love what you got. Because before you know it, it is either gone or missing.

So maybe we are all just a bunch of old people that think we know what is best. Maybe that $89.99 figure is not worth the price. Damn is it fun though? It sure still is to me. I have seen people on here argue about the price of an $89 figure and not even wince at the price of a $400 figure. Yet argue that the $89 figure is too much. Interesting to me. LOL! People argue about anything and everything. That is the human way.

So my final point being. Just enjoy life. If it doesn't make you happy than find something else that does. Don't let other peoples opinions of things get you in a bunch. After all what do you care? I know I don't care what anyone thinks of me and most of you can attest to that. Trying to force something apon yourself that you don't like is dumb too. Peace ladies and Gents. Try to remember too that we are all friends here. :duff

So be careful not to catch the Peter Pan Syndrome. Never grow up!
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I dissagree, the stuff that is made today ( a few exceptions aside) is just not nearly as good as the movies that were made in the past. I'm being nice when i say "not nearly as good".
Erm, wouldn't we want to catch Peter Pan Syndrome so as to not grow up?

Good points though. I'm lucky, I work with kids, it keeps the kid in me alive and well nurtured.
Nice article. Really good points and I agree except.........Empire is better than ROTJ!!! :gun:emperor :D
If you know the words, sing along.

I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid, there's a million toys at Toys R Us that I can plat with! From bikes to train to video games its the biggest toy store there is. I don't wanna grow up maybe if I did I couldn't be a Toys R Us Kid!
If you know the words, sing along.

I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid, there's a million toys at Toys R Us that I can plat with! From bikes to train to video games its the biggest toy store there is. I don't wanna grow up maybe if I did I couldn't be a Toys R Us Kid!


How many of you actually remember that commercial and said that you would never grow up? You are lying if you didn't :lol
Uh oh, someone's been drinking... :lol

But I agree; having fun is an *extremely* important ingredient to a healthy life. I've seen many-a-person lose focus by focusing too hard (if that makes sense). Sometimes you just have to run around like a crazy person. :banana
Uh oh, someone's been drinking... :lol

But I agree; having fun is an *extremely* important ingredient to a healthy life. I've seen many-a-person lose focus by focusing too hard (if that makes sense). Sometimes you just have to run around like a crazy person. :banana

Not powered by Guinness tonight kind sir. Maybe that is the problem. :lecture :rotfl

I'm with ya man. I'm not gonna totally grow up. Just not gonna happen. Maybe thats why I tend to enjoy what I collect and the movies I watch while some want to rip them apart. I just want to enjoy it and relax. I mean every day life is a real pain in the ass so why do I want to make things like playing video games, collecting stuff, and movies something I have to find a pain in the ass too.

Great thread Keith!
I agree with you completely. Unfortunately something happened along the way and we did grow up.
When I was a child I liked Jedi the best because it had elements that leant themselves to the child inside, namely Ewoks and Luke weilding a light sabre. Once I hit the age of 20 it dawned on me that Empire was probably the best. Was it that I was wrong as a child? No, it was that I changed, I got older. Are we wrong in what we like as children? No, just our tastes change as we grow older.
As a child I loved the He-Man cartoon from 1983. I watched it again in 2003 as a 24 year old and found that I just didn't like it anymore. It might have been the outdated animation or the weak stories which were not an issue when I was younger but since I have changed I tend to lean now more to the newer He-Man cartoon.
I try to hold on to the kid in me as much as possible, maybe that is why I liked the Speed Racer movie, it made me feel like a kid again. But all in all your point is well made and most of all true in this old man's eyes.
In all truthfulness... I had this type of conversation with my wife the other day. I've got comics, I've got statues. She wanted to know why I've accumulated, what she calls, "all this garbage." I explained my hobby to her for the 100th time and she came back with the usual, "When are you going to grow up?"

I hate that question.

I asked her who she married.

I asked her why she found me "marrying material."

I asked her, "When you were little, was it your dream to marry someone who one day would become an angry, bitter, self-loathing old cretin?"

"No," she said.

I finished with, "OK then. If you want me to stop doing what makes me happy in my idle time, you're gonna end up with someone just like that. I feel the need to stay connected to what made me happy when I was young. Yes, you make me happier than I've ever been in my life, but when I unwind, sometimes I really need this to recharge. To remind me that I might be getting older, but I don't have to act like it all the time."

I explained that there are worse "addictions" to have. I don't drink. I smoke occassionally (not like I used to). I don't do drugs. I don't gamble. I'm not an adrenaline junkie. I want to continue doing what made me happy as a kid. Comics and statues is a very very strong connection for me. Yeah, maybe it's odd that I'm pushing 30 and I still "collect dolls." But eff all that... some people collect stamps, some people collect toenail clippings... I collect the stuff I collect because it makes me happy.

I also remind her time and time again that some of the nice stuff she's received is because I've re-sold some of the items I purchased at twice or three times their original price.

She relented.

Growing up is for old people.
Man, I couldn't find the patience to read Badmoon's long post....was he complaining about something though? If so, please remind him of the starving children in Africa. :lecture
In all truthfulness... I had this type of conversation with my wife the other day. I've got comics, I've got statues. She wanted to know why I've accumulated, what she calls, "all this garbage." I explained my hobby to her for the 100th time and she came back with the usual, "When are you going to grow up?"

I hate that question.

I asked her who she married.

I asked her why she found me "marrying material."

I asked her, "When you were little, was it your dream to marry someone who one day would become an angry, bitter, self-loathing old cretin?"

"No," she said.

I finished with, "OK then. If you want me to stop doing what makes me happy in my idle time, you're gonna end up with someone just like that. I feel the need to stay connected to what made me happy when I was young. Yes, you make me happier than I've ever been in my life, but when I unwind, sometimes I really need this to recharge. To remind me that I might be getting older, but I don't have to act like it all the time."

I explained that there are worse "addictions" to have. I don't drink. I smoke occassionally (not like I used to). I don't do drugs. I don't gamble. I'm not an adrenaline junkie. I want to continue doing what made me happy as a kid. Comics and statues is a very very strong connection for me. Yeah, maybe it's odd that I'm pushing 30 and I still "collect dolls." But eff all that... some people collect stamps, some people collect toenail clippings... I collect the stuff I collect because it makes me happy.

I also remind her time and time again that some of the nice stuff she's received is because I've re-sold some of the items I purchased at twice or three times their original price.

She relented.

Growing up is for old people.

:lecture Well said. Preach on, my brother. :rock2
In all truthfulness... I had this type of conversation with my wife the other day. I've got comics, I've got statues. She wanted to know why I've accumulated, what she calls, "all this garbage." I explained my hobby to her for the 100th time and she came back with the usual, "When are you going to grow up?"

I hate that question.

I asked her who she married.

I asked her why she found me "marrying material."

I asked her, "When you were little, was it your dream to marry someone who one day would become an angry, bitter, self-loathing old cretin?"

"No," she said.

I finished with, "OK then. If you want me to stop doing what makes me happy in my idle time, you're gonna end up with someone just like that. I feel the need to stay connected to what made me happy when I was young. Yes, you make me happier than I've ever been in my life, but when I unwind, sometimes I really need this to recharge. To remind me that I might be getting older, but I don't have to act like it all the time."

I explained that there are worse "addictions" to have. I don't drink. I smoke occassionally (not like I used to). I don't do drugs. I don't gamble. I'm not an adrenaline junkie. I want to continue doing what made me happy as a kid. Comics and statues is a very very strong connection for me. Yeah, maybe it's odd that I'm pushing 30 and I still "collect dolls." But eff all that... some people collect stamps, some people collect toenail clippings... I collect the stuff I collect because it makes me happy.

I also remind her time and time again that some of the nice stuff she's received is because I've re-sold some of the items I purchased at twice or three times their original price.

She relented.

Growing up is for old people.

Well said man. :lecture

I've had to tell my Wife that very same thing as well. It's just a way to connect to a more innocent time in your life and to let all of our "adult restraints" melt away. Life is too short to grow up simply because the world says so. Do what you love until you don't love it any more. When that day comes, find a new love and start again....

But never give up or give in. Once you do that, you are better off dead.
Won't grow up and the girlfriend is actually counting on this as she said I'm gonna be good with kids. :lol I will probably be buying toys until the day I kick it, and she is surprisingly OK with this.