Petition to Hot Toys to make Justice League Cyborg (piggybacking on #RTSC success)

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Dec 27, 2018
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Before everyone just dismisses this or laughs it off, remember that many did that with the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement--and look how that blew up last week. There's at least a much bigger fan base of support for the Snyder cut than many assumed.

Those of us that want to see this awesome looking figure made... as well as those that are at least supportive of seeing that happen for Cyborg fans... please take the time to sign this thing! This petition will likely be making the rounds in the RTSC community, and I would imagine that many Snyder fans/supporters of the Snyder cut, although not 1/6 collectors (yet! lol), will be supportive just on general principles.

Yes, yes! We know Hot Toys is viewed as indifferent to its customers. And that perception may well be justified. But if enough people get behind this effort it will surely get HT's attention. Especially in combination with the eventual release of the Snyder cut of the film. If they see that level interest in the figure that will equate to dollar signs in their eyes.

Thanking you all in advance if you will support it!
Done. Tweeted as well.

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I will happily retweet anyone's tweet in support, lol! @The_Snyderverse. :D