1/6 Zack Snyder's Justice League - 1/6th scale Knightmare Batman and Superman Collectible

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Yea, grey. I didn’t even know you can custom the boots. This is my first attempt on the custom world.
The sky is the limit with these things. On my custom Man of Steel, everything other than the hands has been customized. The body is a MoS/BvS/JL hybrid. Boots are BvS with MoS trim

I'm doing the boots grey on a black suit Superman for a friend of mine, probably next week. I'll let you know how I get on.
Looks really good , myself I just don't want to deal with that stupid clip on both sides .
You don't need to. If you get some really fine scissors, like penknife scissors. Add a little bit of tension where the cape goes into the neck and cut through the cape. The two tiny clips stay inside the torso.
Just painting them with acrylic grey is fine. As I said to Boricua I will be doing some next week. I'll try and take some pics and tell you how it went.
So the lines on his suit also shine grey when light hits it, are you going to attempt that as well?

Also, keep in mind that the reason the cape, boots, and those lines look grey is because they de saturated the suit in post. The red suit used in the movie was engineered to be de saturated later as the studio told Snyder no on the black suit but he was going to do it anyway.
So the lines on his suit also shine grey when light hits it, are you going to attempt that as well?

Also, keep in mind that the reason the cape, boots, and those lines look grey is because they de saturated the suit in post. The red suit used in the movie was engineered to be de saturated later as the studio told Snyder no on the black suit but he was going to do it anyway.

I won't be doing the lines. He just asked me to do the boots to match the cape. I did do the lines on the MoS one. They weren't as hard as they looked.

Pretty sure the Cape and Boots were purposely changed to grey as that was the look Snyder wanted. Black with grey. Before filming the blue of the suit was changed to reflect light better to make it easier to change to black in post but some of the shots are 100% CG as some of it couldn't be done
