Exactly. Which is why the 1/4 version at nearly 3x the price should have a better face sculpt, IMO.
you are right.. just meant that 1/6 is not what I collect so beeing even better than the 1/4 from sideshow.. I wont get that for sure
Exactly. Which is why the 1/4 version at nearly 3x the price should have a better face sculpt, IMO.
Oh my God, just find a perfect dynamic pose for Jyn in raincoat, from the trailer.
View attachment 318027
Ex head looks good in that video. If Rey and Jyn both actually look like that when they ship then I'll get them.
Yeah the EX Jyn head looks much much better than the regular.
With them digitally recreating K-2 from the LFL archives he should be a total home run.
'Should' being the key word.
Wait for the pose and the paint app first.
If this is an indicator of the pose then it should be good:
There's that key word again Khev.
Still not a full reveal of his pose. I can't tell what his left hand and legs are doing. Too much being covered.
Just for a second there, I thought I recall seeing a full reveal, but it was actually the Hot Toys version that I'm thinking of.
Or maybe it was in a Sideshow video where they were discussing another piece, and on the same desk (in the background), it was there. My memory isn't good anymore.
Like you, I do want this one to be good. But again, I need to see the pose and paint, and just another that occurred to me... the price!
There's that key word again Khev.
If SS did that pose the statue would be leaning straight down after a few months.... The only SS statues I'm comfortable buying from them are museum poses.. And even then you can have issues like my Poison Ivy plants wilting due to the weight of their heads...
There is something wrong with your statues then man, because it's hard plastic/whatever PF's are made of, and considering that the half-life/decay rate of plastic is 450 years, so you must be doing something that is warping the statue.