Yes, the lowest number Sideshow has ever shipped me!!! Even my Gray Hulk showed up with a higher number, as statistically unlikely as that may be. The bad news is that I am at work with my camera while Lurtz is sitting at home, so no other pictures today. The
worse news is that my kids are scared of it and I don't think my wife wants it displayed around the house, and my office is pretty darn full. I had moved all of my LOTR stuff to home and now the office is devoted to Star Wars. Where does that put big scary Lurtz? I was already doubtful of whether or not I could devote the money and space to this line, and now that my wife and kids don't like it the pressure is really on. But I just can't bring myself to sell #039. Plus, 12" Aragorn is shipping this week and I can't afford both lines, so one of the two has to go.
What to do, what to do...