Super Freak
Do you think if I buy two shelves for each Pax and space them evenly he'd still fit or would I have to play with it a bit?
If you get the tallest Pax yes. The Classic Thor is 33" high. Space the the shelves out evenly & he will fit. Planet Hulk is 3" shorter than Thor by the way.
I haven't bought my Pax yet but I looked into for a few months to see what was best suited to me between the Besta & the Pax but the Pax was the best option to me for that reason because with a lot of the new PF's from Marvel & DC being so high like this, Batman & Superman, I liked the idea of being able to display any PF where I wanted to where with a Besta I couldn't do that.
The only reason why I haven't bought my Pax yet is because I unexpectedly moved home. 300 miles away because my wife wanted to be close to her parents.