Hmmmm... Well this is just my opinion but I think the Shield looks good. If anything was going to be not exactly like the proto I would pick the Shield.
Not my Hulk Pics friend.... Mine comes on Friday.... Yes my Spidey had good paint apps.... Want to buy him?
Believe me when I say this... and ask around. I am the first to complain and ***** when SSC screws up. Weather it is before, during, or after the product is released. If I don't like something I let my voice be heard. Having said that... I am beyond shocked at the complaining that some are doing about the shield... I am not saying you shouldn't or that you can't... I am just surprised that it is an issue at all because it is still very nice. Just as SSC showed us? No. But it still looks great. IMO anyways.
Collectorcol I don't mind reading the complaints (even if I don't find this one warranted) I am surprised by the remarks directed at our good friend Spidey as they thought he should come down on this piece in some way...... It's a great piece... There really is nothing to come down on. Well Skirt could be a little better but it still looks good.