Super Freak
I think planet hulk is a more interesting statue than wwh will be
Hey Ant, have you managed to get a price off Lee at CDUK for this beast?

I think planet hulk is a more interesting statue than wwh will be
Hey Ant, have you managed to get a price off Lee at CDUK for this beast?![]()
I have ordered with Sideshow as its roughly what it will cost anyway unless I have missed something?
$50 shipping (Estimate)
$130 vat
+£10 FedEx
plus it will arrive quickly! Not waiting forever live the Hulk Maquette or Wolverine LSB.
Stuck it on FLEX and wont notice it.
I also have slight reservations sourcing from UK suppliers at the minute with the Amerang situation who knows how its going to pan out?
Unless its in-stock I am not pre-ordering at the moment with UK suppliers.... just incase!
April this is coming. Your got plenty of time
Even longer than that because you know it's going to get delayed by a few months atleast
Please just give him a left hand holding an axe or sword...anything.
That dam shield covers 50% of the sculpt. I'm going to put this on a shelf and see nothing but a head, shield and feet.
looks like the shield is too big to be attached to the whole arm for shipping. there will probably be a custom hand made to switch out the shield.
I think planet hulk is a more interesting statue than wwh will be
In wwhulk and planet hulk,Hulk didnt change a lot is basically the same all time in physical appearance ,so i prefer a future B.banner better than another hulk from this saga
I agree that Planet Hulk will be a more interesting sculpt then WWH, BUT if the Planet Hulk has an ES of 2500 or more, and WWH has an ES of 200 or less..... Well we all know what that did for the Grey Hulk PF. Also the WWH won't have the shield![]()
Would be funny if they unveiled WWH at the end of the con pre-orders to bookend the PH one at the beginning. ULTIMATE HYPE!
Yup that's kinda lame if they hold one back for a few weeks.If he won't be ready to PO for another few months I can understand the logic. Just throw them up together and let the mass hype brawl begin!
Agree spidey, but hey this is Sideshow, like any other business it's about profit.
The one on the right is almost 5 inches taller, and $150 cheaper for me, and it has an ES....LOL. Oh and I LOVE THE INSANE LEVEL OF
Considering selling my Green Comiquette and getting this![]()
See I don't think he is far off at all... When I asked SSC about whether there would be a chance that WWHulk would be ready for the Con they said yes.... I think the is a Grey Hulk/Green Hulk situation where they are basically the same sculpt, but in this case it is the accessories that make the difference. I think it is why there are some obvious switchout seems in some of the pics, and MAYBE WHY there are two clean legs lying in front of the piece in that one can't for the workroom. Again, I am not against multiple versions of the character; I would just like to choose which one I buy, and if the WWH isn't going to available through ADs as it is the Ex, well that would have been nice to kow last