Premium Format Planet Hulk / Gladiator Hulk Premium Format Figure

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What are you talking about dude? Is this statue going to get any cheaper by waiting to order it later? I don't think so. Sideshow has really tight inventory control these days so you have to secure an order with AD's much sooner. Plus there are a lot of people who would rather flex pay and give Sideshow their money earlier than get hit for $600 all at once when it comes out. Nobody is making any interest by holding onto their money at this point.
I'm talking about giving Sideshow $60 right now when it just isn't necessary, that's what I'm talking about. :lol ;)

:cuckoo: Are you talking about the NRD or the 10 % discount some retailers are offering?
If people want to put a deposit down to secure their piece that's up to them. No one knows what the es will be and they might not want to miss out and there's the flex terms as mentioned.
As for the 10% discount no all of us have that option, we are spread far and wide here. :wink1:
For all intents and purposes it certainly seems that way. Are you actually thinking that at any moment it could switch to a 250 ES and be marked as sold out or something? If so, then I can actually understand why you'd be okay with paying the NRD now.

It has already been confirmed on twitter that there is an es for this statue. Wait if you want but I'd rather give them a measly $60 now than be the chump on the waitlist later. That $60 has to be payed at one point or another.
I keep coming back and looking at the pics fir this while simultaneously trying to convince myself not to get him
I bet there is an ES, but it will be determined (released) after SDCC.

I agree with Khev, especially since there seems to be a lot of concern over a WWH version and or other great items coming out during SDCC.

With no EX this won't sell out as fast as the Scar EX.
I bet there is an ES, but it will be determined (released) after SDCC.

I agree with Khev, especially since there seems to be a lot of concern over a WWH version and or other great items coming out during SDCC.

With no EX this won't sell out as fast as the Scar EX.

Wow it would be so much fun to see another version of hulk coming out this event! Btw I've heard some got this at the LCS for 550.00? That's not too bad considering no shipping. So same price as rhino shipped. Hmm must resist and stick to the guns on these impulse buys. Must resist ....... :gah:
For all intents and purposes it certainly seems that way. Are you actually thinking that at any moment it could switch to a 250 ES and be marked as sold out or something? If so, then I can actually understand why you'd be okay with paying the NRD now.

This has an ES ... Totally confirmed via twitter. As for the ES of 250.... Now opulent that be a switch-a-too... First piece out of the gate has the lowest ES. However, and it is just speculation... That would make some sense IF there is a WWH coming during SDCC... Gladiator Hulk will have that massive shield and more in terms or Armour to paint and produce then WWH will.... I also know the ADs are selling out FAST... Like 8 statues per retailer fast.
It has already been confirmed on twitter that there is an es for this statue. Wait if you want but I'd rather give them a measly $60 now than be the chump on the waitlist later. That $60 has to be payed at one point or another.

They also "confirmed" there were less than 20 LSFs and there would be no more after that...I'm not saying they're lying in this case, just that they're not always honest.
I'm talking about giving Sideshow $60 right now when it just isn't necessary, that's what I'm talking about. :lol ;)

I have ask...why are you worried about how others spend their money??

IMHO nobody needs to justify their purchasing behavior to anyone.

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