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I think I want that Venom. I'm not posing mine much, but they're what you'd expect I think.

Yeah, maybe not that Deathstroke, but he was the first one I admired.

Ditto about Venom. Still looking forward to Stormy within the next week or so for arrival.
I misjudged this figure before I got it in hand. He arrived today and I absolutely love it!

Yeah, I'm really bummed that I didn't get vader after opening Fett and the Trooper.. much better in hand (and they didn't look bad to begin with).
Just watch the pouch with the stormie when he crouches. It'll prolly crack and break off one day if posed crouching too long.
I have Fett and trooper. One more for a trio. Should it be Vader or another trooper? Or Master Chief?
Nice pics. So the end of the holdster doesn't come together. I thought mine just broke.

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These look like something from Transformers movies, which was never my cup of tea. Thought of getting the Stormtrooper, but will pass.
Hi there, I am Bob.


This is my best friend, Mike. We are both Stormtroopers of the New Order.


And this is Gerald. He is a new friend. We met him at the armoury while we were there getting our new equipment. Gerry is a bit of a gadget geek and helped me fix Mike’s water recycling unit in his new suit. It was a funny story coz Mike thought his rehydration liquid tasted funny but kept drinking from it for at least a couple of hours before we fixed it. The filter was faulty and wasn’t doing a good job in filtering his waste.


Anyway, the new variant armour still has some bugs, but that's always the case when we get stuff from new contractors. This armour is from some foreign weapons manufacturer called Square Enix. None of the guys in the squad have ever heard of them before.

Seems to me like top brass changed a few things since the Death Star blew up. Anyway, it’s suppose to make us more intimidating against our enemies and improve our aim. We'll see how this new stuff works out. It could after all be a final fantasy for some Admiral sitting at his control deck, if Lord Vader finds the new equipment not to his liking.

Let me know if you want to hear more…
So the stands for them, are they very good? I don't know if I should bother putting it together. In the end I always seem to put stands away, keeping only the basic Hot Toys or Sideshow ones for basic standing. Wouldn't mind something with a little more dynamic pose...
So the stands for them, are they very good? I don't know if I should bother putting it together. In the end I always seem to put stands away, keeping only the basic Hot Toys or Sideshow ones for basic standing. Wouldn't mind something with a little more dynamic pose...

I always use PAK stands for my MGS figures, they're pretty good for holding figures in dynamic poses and they don't take up too much space.