Playstation 3 Thread

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In terms of each console exclusives it goes like this:

PS3 Exclusives > 360 Gear of War

Because other than GOW, everything else is crap.

Fable the Journey = :slap
6th Halo game = :dunno
Forza 4 = :sleep
Kinect = :lol
In terms of each console exclusives it goes like this:

PS3 Exclusives > 360 Gear of War

Because other than GOW, everything else is crap.

Fable the Journey = :slap
6th Halo game = :dunno
Forza 4 = :sleep
Kinect = :lol

1. Fable is a great series. How was Fable the Journey? I haven't played it. Did you finish it?

2. 6th Halo opposed to 14 Final Fantasy games, 3(so far), Uncharted games, 4+ Ratchet and Clank games, 3 God of War games(and you know more are coming), 5+ Twisted Metal games, etc.

Successful games are successful. In this economy, you go with what works. Don't be a tool.

3. Forza 4 - I GUARANTEE will be better than GT5. And I'm talking in terms of reviews(gamerankings, metacritic, etc.).

4. Kinect - Pretty damn successful.

I'm not sure why people-in this day and age-still feel the need to sprout their e-peen when discussing consoles. There is plenty of room for both. The 360 has great games and the PS3 has great games. They are both wonderful systems that has provided me with hours of entertainment. They both have their positives, and their negatives.
1. Fable is a great series. How was Fable the Journey? I haven't played it. Did you finish it?

2. 6th Halo opposed to 14 Final Fantasy games, 3(so far), Uncharted games, 4+ Ratchet and Clank games, 3 God of War games(and you know more are coming), 5+ Twisted Metal games, etc.

Successful games are successful. In this economy, you go with what works. Don't be a tool.

3. Forza 4 - I GUARANTEE will be better than GT5. And I'm talking in terms of reviews(gamerankings, metacritic, etc.).

4. Kinect - Pretty damn successful.

I'm not sure why people-in this day and age-still feel the need to sprout their e-peen when discussing consoles. There is plenty of room for both. The 360 has great games and the PS3 has great games. They are both wonderful systems that has provided me with hours of entertainment. They both have their positives, and their negatives.

Successful doesn't automatically mean good, look at the Transformers films.

And this is the Playstation 3 thread, a place to talk about the playstation and it's competitors, if you can tell me a better place to voice my "opinion" about condsole then tell me.

Forza 4 may be better than GT5 but i don't follow racing games so i don't know, but the only reason Forza made the list is because there are so few 360 exclusives to choose from.
I bpught Fable 2 (when my xbox worked) it was okay, the opening as a kid was the best, but the lack of a voice, while unique, got tedious and juvenile.
Uncharted is an ongoing story, Halo 3 was made as the last game, yet money influenced a revival, storywise it can continue okay as the third was left open, but it's strictly a money-maker for them.

God of war, ratchet and clank, Twisted Metal and FF are games spanning multiple consoles from PS1 onwards, xbox games are only spanning 2 and in a much shorter gap between cycles.

In terms of Games, PS3 has 90% of what the 360 has and more, only tjose on my list are the ones i can think of exclusive to 360

So they each have positives and negatives but the fact is...

PS3 has more games = better
PS3 lasts longer = better
360 online = better (but costs money)
Arcade = equal

PS3 = Better!
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Opinions of fanboys are not facts. Feels like I'm back in the IGN forums again.

Try to debunk this as not fact...

PS3 has more exclusives than the 360, cross-platform games release on both consoles. Therefore PS3 has more games... FACT!

If it was 360 with more that would be fact too, fanboyism means nothing :lecture

And this is the PS3 thread, you're here to talk about the PS3 in a positive or negative manner, but moslty positive, so everyone is fanboy.
Try to debunk this as not fact...

PS3 has more exclusives than the 360, cross-platform games release on both consoles. Therefore PS3 has more games... FACT!

If it was 360 with more that would be fact too, fanboyism means nothing :lecture

And this is the PS3 thread, you're here to talk about the PS3 in a positive or negative manner, but moslty positive, so everyone is fanboy.

How old are you?
Read my sig. After reading his posts I was inspired to dig up an old-ish quote from 2007.


Tell me about it. I started playing games in 85(I was 5), and I watched it get REALLY nasty with SNES/Genesis.

Same crap, different day.

It's like...does Sony or Microsoft actually send you a check to blindly support them like a 15 year old? Some of these idiots act like it's the damn Crusades.


But my favorite part(and you see it on IGN, Gametrailers, etc.) is when they state their OPINION as a FACT. Apparently, in some schools, they don't teach the difference between the two.
How old are you?


But my favorite part(and you see it on IGN, Gametrailers, etc.) is when they state their OPINION as a FACT. Apparently, in some schools, they don't teach the difference between the two.

You have yet to factually debunk my thoughts that PS3 has more games than 360, for all your posts nothing is actually contributing to this topic, rather an "i'm right, your wrong" postlist without any info to prove why you're right & i'm wrong

Since you didn't, I checked it out, and i am indeed wrong, the 360 has more games due to being on the market longer.

You can call me a fanboy all you want, but i won't support the 360 after buying a console that broke & getting a replacement which broke. My PS3 has lasted this long without problems, it has more upcoming exclusives so by choice i'm going with the company that didn't screw me over.

Wait a tick, is this actually the PS3 thread? cos i'm getting alot of heat for supporting the
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You have yet to factually debunk my thoughts that PS3 has more games than 360, for all your posts nothing is actually contributing to this topic, rather an "i'm right, your wrong" postlist without any info to prove why you're right & i'm wrong

Since you didn't, I checked it out, and i am indeed wrong, the 360 has more games due to being on the market longer.

You can call me a fanboy all you want, but i won't support the 360 after buying a console that broke & getting a replacement which broke. My PS3 has lasted this long without problems, it has more upcoming exclusives so by choice i'm going with the company that didn't screw me over.

Wait a tick, is this actually the PS3 thread? cos i'm getting alot of heat for supporting the


You have issues.

You have issues.

Again a random comment, with no contribution to the topic, and you ask my age? :slap

The only issues i have is 2 broken 360s and a strange case of not loving them for it.

I'm gonna leave this thread for a bit, come back when people are actually talking about the PS3 and not childishly insulting other posters.
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Since it appears you're ******* clueless, I'll go ahead and post what should already be apparent.

This is what you INITALLY POSTED:

So they each have positives and negatives but the fact is...

PS3 has more games = better
PS3 lasts longer = better
360 online = better (but costs money)
Arcade = equal

PS3 = Better!

Those are FOUR(4, QUATRO) statements you claimed as FACTUAL. FOUR.

Not one.


You then proceeded to state that the PS3 "has more games," which you even admitted was false(which I knew as well).

The second statement is an opinion.

The third is an opinion.

The fourth is...wait for OPINION.

Oh wait, you listed five. The fifth is also..da da da, an OPINION.

So the only one of your statements that could've possibly had a factual answer was the first which you were wrong.

You're a troll. A fanboy troll, but a troll nonetheless.

And you're 26? Holy ****. Perhaps you need to spend less time on PSN, and more time learning the difference between a fact and an opinion.


Im wondering my PS3 is hardwired with an ethernet cable, but for whatever reason when I actually turn my PS3 on sometimes it automatically cuts my internet off and I have to reset my modem and go thru this whole chabang to even turn the PS3 on. I only have a few games on my PS3 and Im not a fanboy by any means, but most of the games I play are on my 360.