Awesome thats exactly what i look for in a movie now acting and story. Its on Netflix?
Yep it is. It's subtitled, but trust me the dub is terrible.
Awesome thats exactly what i look for in a movie now acting and story. Its on Netflix?
I didn't realize that it plays DVDs too. I had to look it up since I'm getting a 2 disc Blu Ray and one disc happens to be a DVD.
I tried a blu ray movie on the PS4 for the first time today and it wouldn't let me take a screenshot that I was planning for a custom figure. Curse you copyright laws!
What are you getting Piss? (if that is you).
The PS4 is an inferior blu ray player to the PS3 unfortunately, and doesn't play or rip audio CDs like the PS3. The media playback capabilities is 20 steps backwards this gen.
Really?!Does it work when you try to take screens with the PS3?
My girl was getting me the two disc Blu Ray of Oldboy for Christmas, and the extras disc is a DVD for some reason.
Nice! How many blu ray movies do you have so far, Pliss?
No Pliss, there wasn't a screenshot feature with the PS3 either, but I naturally assumed you could take one with the PS4 since it was such a heavily touted feature.
Also, the copyright laws doesn't end there. If you record GTAV's gameplay, you end up with the music omitted.![]()
I tried a blu ray movie on the PS4 for the first time today and it wouldn't let me take a screenshot that I was planning for a custom figure. Curse you copyright laws!
Just a couple. The Alien boxset, the Rocky Boxset, and Sunshine. I'm pretty sure that's all.
Take a picture with your camera or phone.
Not a bad start never saw sunshine either lol .
That's just lame, man. There aren't any safeguards like that with legit (aka. not illegaly) downloaded PC games. You can record and upload videos with sound, take screens to your heart's content. So, why did Sony place it on the PS4? Doesn't make any sense...
Very underrated film. I liked it a hellva lot more than Gravity and Interstellar.
I liked gravity for what it was interstellar I haven't seen yet.
I thought Gravity was so boring. And it tried to be a "smart" and "realistic" take on space, but I thought it was anything but. You're going to either love or utterly despise Interstellar. There isn't many that came to a middle ground on it around here.
I haven't seen it but how could you call this boring?