Playstation 4

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Nah, ps4 guys like ps. They will most likely wait for ps5. I know i will, i have no desire to buy an xbox. Just like xbox guys like just xbox. Very few gamers want to buy multiple systems, those people are more likely to switch between platforms imho. I could be wrong though.

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No way it already has a huge install base and people don't really care about cutting edge graphics (just look at Nintendo) and if Sony does see a noticeable decline they will just make their own version (which they probably will anyway)
Didnt see a PS VR thread nor a Farpoint thread so I' m just going to post here.
Any of you guys played Farpoint? I played it a few days ago and found it awesome.
Do you guys think the xbox scorpio will spell the end for the ps4?

Highly unlikely. I'm pretty sure Sony already has the PS4's replacement in the works to compete with Scorpio. Besides as mentioned, the PS4 user base is huge in comparison to Xbox, which won't make much of a dent with the PS4.

I own both systems, so I'll more than likely pick up the Scorpio and whatever Sony comes out with next be it the PS5. I play on Xbox mainly for their exclusive games, what little they have currently.
Didnt see a PS VR thread nor a Farpoint thread so I' m just going to post here.
Any of you guys played Farpoint? I played it a few days ago and found it awesome.

I played Farpoint a couple of weeks ago, I had to stop because of the motion sickness I experienced. The scanner they were using reminded me of Starlord's in GOTG.
That's unfortunate. I actually felt a little giddy after about half hour the first time round. But after 3 sessions, I went 2 hours straight with no motion sickness at all. I'm really enjoying this so much. I cranked up the air conditioning and fan for better ventilation as it can get quite stuffy with the vr and headset. It helped a lot.
Speaking for myself, this definately redefines first person shooter and I hope there will be more vr games with similar concepts. I hope the developers would consider patching the game to include usage of the Move controller as an add on peripheral like a pistol or something for added fun. I can imagine how cool to shoot with the assult rifle and switch to a side arm when your rifle is reloading or cooling down.
Do you guys think the xbox scorpio will spell the end for the ps4?

Are you twelve? C'mon man. This console war **** is for kids. And to answer your question......LOL, do you honestly think it's gonna be THAT big a difference? It would have to be like going from PS2 to PS3 graphics for that to happen. 4k isnt all that, especially yet. it would have to be a graphical killer and it wont be. Not saying it won't be good, but this doom you speak of..........LMAO.
Not about being a snowflake. You come off like an abrasive know it all. Its a thing called tact, you obviously dont have it. No need to be so hostile toward another member just because you have a keyboard and an extra couple of minutes. I wasnt born in the era of easily hurt feelings, i generally have thick skin, but i just felt you were a little out of line. You could have given a better answer without being such a douche​ nozzle.

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ok so i'm planning on buying a 4-5 tb external hard drive for my ps4, anybody have any suggestions or recommendations that could help me out. much appreciated.
Xbox X my ass, the Spiderman and GOW trailers stole the damn show right from under MS.

It's not about the hardware, MS sure likes dropping the ball don't they. Forza 7...snore.

Oh and Battlefront 2 also looks great.
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Yeah, Sony killed it tonight, IMO as well.

I really, REALLY liked Days Gone. Pretty impressive looking, IMO. Granted, we seen something similar in the past with The Last of Us (among others), but it still looks really impressive.

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