Re: >
My thoughts exactly CCT :toast
My thoughts exactly CCT :toast

The newsletter is an incentive for all of SSC's customers to visit THEIR website (not this board).
`Top Secret`.
Do you ever add even one positive comment to a thread Mr. FB?
Do you ever NOT answer a question with another question, and these two icons:
Ok enough. This has nothing to do with the newsletter in anyway at all.
This is the example of what you don't get about this forum. It isn't that you can't say negative things about sideshow weta (have you seen some of the threads on Willow's face, Vader's helmet, etc?) Just keep it civil and attack the arguement, not the person making the arguement.There would probably be some objection from the two muskateers though as it contravenes the 11th commandment - Thou shalt only say positive things about SSW.