Really glad you started this project man.
The Tyler figure is my most favorite in my collection and although mine is basically just a bash, I have been extremely happy with each component except for the shirt.
Cigs by greggo, surprisingly decent jacket by Ttl, cool pants I found on eBay, fight club stand from evilface, shoes I hand painted myself, and of course rainman's sculpt. The upcoming red glasses will be a huge icing on the cake but I absolutely NEEDED this shirt to complete this figure. Personally, this figure turned out to be my favorite cause it took me so long to complete. And at one point I have given up trying to get Rainman's sculpt cause it was either way too expensive or someone beat me to it. I have read rainman's tyler thread numerous times and always wish I could get this sculpt and I ended up acquiring my personal favorite that's painted by boot25.
So thanks man, and of course you too Kato, the best 1/6 tailor in the world for taking on this project.
If my figure can talk, he'll tell your shirt..."you complete me"!