It was very odd, but if it's all based on probabilities then stuff like this will happen. I would make half hearted attempts to catch them since they weren't really needed, and usually they would run off, even the really weak ones.
That's a good week. I haven't seen or hatched a Charmander in a couple months. I'm going to have to make one my buddy after I get finished getting enough candy to evolve Pikachu.
I am now up to 105 pokemon (the Halloween event helped). But I still can't find an Onxy or a Grimer. :/
Ironically, the Halloween update turned me of to playing. Before I would put on Pandora or a podcast or something, turn on pokemon, and go running. Now whenever I put on pokemon I can't have the audio running from another app. So, that's pretty much been it for pokemon for me.