Poll: Most Wanted Non-Live Action Character 2.0

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I think she could be polarizing based on how her headsculpt turns out. A young female Tem Morrison is kind of an odd thing to think about and we all probably have a different idea of that in our head. I wonder if leaning more into an AotC Daniel Logan likeness might help bridge that gap and not look too feminine or too masculine and not look out of place in the Fett family?
Just take a Daniel Logan sculpt, girlie it up a bit, and VOILA!

I’ve wanted an Inspector Thanoth figure from the Vader comics for YEARS now. I would take one in any scale. Dude was intelligent, fearless, basically figured out the entire Skywalker saga before the Empire Strikes Back, said Palpatine’s plans were too weak relying on the Death Star, and said this all to Vader’s face, knowing he’d have to be killed after he discovered everything. Plus that mustache and the MONOCLE!? Dude deserves a figure and it’s a shame I probably won’t see him in live action. There, I’ve plead my case haha
Got Jinx, so now still waiting on…

A true animated style TCW Siege of Mandalore Ahsoka not made by Sideshow.
Star Wars Mandalore GIF by aiptcomics
I’d also want Rex, Bo-Katan, Maul and S7 Anakin and Obi-Wan.

TLOU Joel and Ellie
TLOU2 Ellie (and Abby)
JFO Cal Kestis w/ BD-1
NieR Nier w/ Grimoire Weiss, Kainé, and Emil
Rebels Spectre crew (S2)
Hondo is definitely my top choice, but I'd ideally want the live-action Galaxy's Edge look.
From the original thread ( I guess other than the poll everyone was ignoring anyway, for some reason we need two threads)?




The original Expanded U Rebels:
For better or worse (after Splinter), the first official expanded U tale, what the combined "genius" minds at Star Wars/Lucas and the House of Ideas/Marvel first wrought (now ironically both owned by Disney)
The Star Hoppers! :lol
Maybe use the likeness of Javier Bardem for Don-Wan Kihotay, Charlize Theron as Amaiz Foxtrain, and Sebastian Stan for Jimm the Starkiller Kid.

And of course add..

Using Sergio Aragonés' actual likeness. :wink1:
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Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso ...I mean Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors?


Don't really need them, I'm content knowing they've been repurposed as Cassian And Jyn.


With Thrawn and Dark empire Luke done: Need Dark Empire Leia (maybe in light robes), and Mara Jade.
While Legends EU canon wasn't great, Heir to the Empire and Dark Empire were decent, and with distance have somewhat re-asserted themselves back as a vague SWU sequels head-canon for me.
Their presence on the shelf, like a mind-trick, might help further obfuscate that the Disney Sequels ever happened.


Plus Mara Jade


Not sure who I would want to see as the facial template for a "Live Action" Mara Jade figure?
Though I would draw from an actress from Mark Hamill and Carie Fisher's generation, more specifically in fact someone from the Lucas and De Palma shared casting call,, as they looked back then:

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Further, from the Thrawn trilogy 1:6 Talon Karrde, I'de use the likeness of Ian McShane

And speaking of vague non-live action characters, if continuing down the Dark Empire rabbit hole, the pair nobody asked for ....



Salla Zend & Shug Ninx using the likeness' of Maeve Millay(Thandiwe Newton) and Hector Escaton(Rodrigo Santoro)


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At this point pretty much Ahsoka and the entire Rebels Crew have all appeared in live action, and begun to get HT figures.
I imagine 1:6 figures of Ezmo as well as Zeb who has appeared as "Live Action" in Mando, and again in the Mando Movie tease, will inevitably get figures too.

The only one missing would be Kanan, (who is on the original poll)

If Hot Toys was to possibly do a "Live action" 1:6 figure of Kanan, he could be depicted as above from Hera's Ghost dashboard, they apparently used a real life "photo" of Freddy Prinze Jr.? Implying (while other VO actors were replaced) that is what he would look like Live Action.

He might yet appear as a Force Ghost, or in a flashback scene, possibly portrayed by FPjr.?
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Clone Wars 2003:
Durge, Ventress, scuba trooper, armoured Saesee Tinn, buff topless Kit Fisto, Snowbunny Padme, Cody, ARC trooper squad, Captain Fordo, Clone phase 2 pilot and doubtless others that slipped my mind. All in realistic style.

The Clone Wars 2008:
Remaining named 501st clones, Snow clone troopers and snow Rex, phase 1 Rex, Phase 1 Cody, Stealth ship clone crew, Kamino clone trooper, phase 1 Gree etc etc etc, all in realistic style.

Old republic troopers, Havok squad troopers, Sith Troopers (TOR), Sith troopers (KOTOR), sky trooper, misc sith etc

The Force Unleashed:
Sith acolyte, Triton squad troopers, heavy troopers, jetpack troopers, imperial navy commandos, evo troopers, kashyyyk stormtroopers, evo jetpack troopers, stirmtrooper commander, imperial royal guard, senate guard, shadow guard, saber guard, senate sentinel, riot trooper, purge trooper etc etc plus skimpy outfit Shaak Ti, Maris Brood, Juno Eclipse, galen marek, terror trooper, Rahm Kota, Proxy, Carbonite and Incinerator war droids, Felucian warrior etc.

Other games:
Swamp troopers, Dark troopers, Kyle Katarn, shadow trooper and reborn (jedi outcast) etc etc
Clone Wars 2003:
Durge, Ventress, scuba trooper, armoured Saesee Tinn, buff topless Kit Fisto, Snowbunny Padme, Cody, ARC trooper squad, Captain Fordo, Clone phase 2 pilot and doubtless others that slipped my mind. All in realistic style.

The Clone Wars 2008:
Remaining named 501st clones, Snow clone troopers and snow Rex, phase 1 Rex, Phase 1 Cody, Stealth ship clone crew, Kamino clone trooper, phase 1 Gree etc etc etc, all in realistic style.

Old republic troopers, Havok squad troopers, Sith Troopers (TOR), Sith troopers (KOTOR), sky trooper, misc sith etc

The Force Unleashed:
Sith acolyte, Triton squad troopers, heavy troopers, jetpack troopers, imperial navy commandos, evo troopers, kashyyyk stormtroopers, evo jetpack troopers, stirmtrooper commander, imperial royal guard, senate guard, shadow guard, saber guard, senate sentinel, riot trooper, purge trooper etc etc plus skimpy outfit Shaak Ti, Maris Brood, Juno Eclipse, galen marek, terror trooper, Rahm Kota, Proxy, Carbonite and Incinerator war droids, Felucian warrior etc.

Other games:
Swamp troopers, Dark troopers, Kyle Katarn, shadow trooper and reborn (jedi outcast) etc etc
What a perfect list!
Probably Cal Kestis? I don't know, I'm at a point where my wants for SW are pretty limited.
I'm going to cheat and say Soran Keize, who is an Imperial Ace pilot from the Alphabet Squadron trilogy of books... because that's a way to get a TIE Pilot. Also could go for Iden Versio, the heroine of the Battlefront 2 game campaign, who first appears in that game with a special forces TIE outfit.
