I really like the look of this statue. I wish the flames were made of see through resin however. I ordered the EX without any hesitation.
EX Ordered!
The statue is awesome, but I do agree that the EX is really lame. If it wasnt for Jerry (PopCultureShock) flat out saying that it is being re-done over at the StatueForums, I would have totally just gone for reg edition. But for $10, I'll gamble and hope that the re-do is good....
Well I decided. Since I'm a huge MK fan and I like the statue I'll just get the regular from a retailer and save money and California Sales Tax. I only buy the exclusives once in a blue moon like if it truly makes the piece that much better. But not in this case. The regular makes it for me.
Sub Zero Premium Format Statue - $299.99where can i buy that!???