Super Freak
Over at statueforum new Akuma and Ryu are coming.
Thank goodness for that.
I hope the announcement and pics get posted here.
Sagat will need some friends.
Over at statueforum new Akuma and Ryu are coming.
While rare, I don't care for the PCS pants version. Hides way to much of the great muscle definition in the legs.
from retailer ??......i didnt seen Sota Ryu thread
While rare, I don't care for the PCS pants version. Hides way to much of the great muscle definition in the legs.
this sota ryu statue, i imagine it will look awesome next to sagat, both in ready to fight pose... both muscle definitions are awesome..
there r atlist 7 confirmed SF Statue coming 1.Ryu 2.Oni Akuma 3.Dhalsim 4.Blanka 5. E.Honda 6. Balrog & 7.Alex so its good to start this line....
there r atlist 7 confirmed SF Statue coming 1.Ryu 2.Oni Akuma 3.Dhalsim 4.Blanka 5. E.Honda 6. Balrog & 7.Alex so its good to start this line....
By "action" pose, do you mean his pose at the beginning of a fight? If so, it would match perfectly with Sagat, BUT... Ryu would need to be posed so that he can be placed on the right side. Sagat is already posed for a left side ready stance. That would be win for sure!!i m waiting for PCS Ryu action pose its been confirmed by Jerry
By "action" pose, do you mean his pose at the beginning of a fight? If so, it would match perfectly with Sagat, BUT... Ryu would need to be posed so that he can be placed on the right side. Sagat is already posed for a left side ready stance. That would be win for sure!!
I'm guessing action pose mean anything but standing. I think Ryu with pose just before his hadouken will be awsome.
Wait is Alex for sure confirmed? He might be my first PCS. I would not be able to resist. I don't care about anyone else in that list though.
matching pose.. for both ryu n sagat... yes!!!![]()
matching pose.. for both ryu n sagat... yes!!!![]()