It's the net, where some adults act or are "mental'.
Some people over at SF act the same greedily way, they pretend to be huge StrFigt fans and collect Jerry's stuff because they love him and John's work...but really buy multiples to scalp/flip.
I just want a sagat ex from sideshow. Thats all. I waitlisted a while back right after he sold out and now I got an email saying that my waitlist is canceled because it cannot be fulfilled. Whatever. Sagat is one of my main characters on ssfvae, but i guess i just wont have the statue. If anyone has one they would like to sell to a true fan or knows any leads please, please let me know. Not really wanting to spend ebay prices. Need some help. Thanks.
We're both in the same boat man. Except I'd be happy just to even get a regular.
I've looked everywhere online & even websites with languages that needed Google translate. Can't find him anywhere. :-\
Hopefully the madness will calm down along with the eBay prices
once you see it in person, even with the regular head it's just amazing. I was a huge fan of the ssc ex and thought it was the best version...then I got the pcs ex in hand and changed my mind with the quickness. Even a few weeks later I still think so.
I had to pay a little extra for my PCS website exclusive Sagat but just got him in and wow this guy is amazing!! For all the people who at least have one version doesn't matter which one I know you all are happy. This guy is a beast!
May I ask what it cost you?