So full reveal and information has been shown. I am very disappointed with the EX, but not surprised. Definitely lost potential with the lack of bomb jacket as the EX. That would have been awesome.
The way this is being done is kind of awkward too. I must have one of these, but they are both highly exclusive (EX is 50 and regular is only 150) and for some odd reason the preorder is done at the same time. This makes me worried that I might go for just one, likely the regular, and not get it and by the time I find out I would have missed out on the other version as well. Basically forces me to try to go for both and then cancel if I got into both.
I am also pondering about the EX in general. Part of me wants to snag the more exclusive version since the opportunity is here, but at the same time it isn't at all iconic for the character and it's just a really odd color scheme they chose thanks to the white hair. Had the hair remained blonde and his headband was a different color I'd prefer it, but I actually prefer how the regular looks.
EDIT: Oh and Monday 3PM pacific standard time is SUCH an inconvenient time to have people try to preorder. Seriously why not the evening or something?