Possible DC SDCC2013 Announcements

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SS must be pissed if this list is correct. Wonder if they will fire who ever leaked it?
Yes but it does have the sugar substitutes that causes cancer! Cancer 4lyfe! :clap

I UNIGGIED you just to say that having helped my wife through a BRUTAL battle with a cancer, that struck her for NO apparent reason, I can personally say that this is the dumbest dumb**** thing you have EVER SAID IMHO.
I UNIGGIED you just to say that having helped my wife through a BRUTAL battle with a cancer, that struck her for NO apparent reason, I can personally say that this is the dumbest dumb**** thing you have EVER SAID IMHO.

Don't think he was making fun of cancer in that way bro. My mom had cancer and I sure didn't take it that way.
does sideshow normally announce that many items at comic con that were on those lists?

SS must be pissed if this list is correct. Wonder if they will fire who ever leaked it?

This list was put together by Masterside/Obi Wan... The top list is logical conjecture based on things he has heard and been tod as a guy who works closely with SSC. Now if you go back a few pages you will see that from his list last year about a 1/3 or more of his list showed up at SDCC, but even more from his list came out over the year.

Now just with two tweets I managed to confirm 1/4 of mastersides Marvel list is either planned for or has a chance to be at SDCC. The J Scott Spidey trio is planned and WWHULK has a chance.

So I give the list some credit. Not to mention that he called the release dates of all of the major PFs weeks in advance and their EXs, he knows a little more then your average guy.
Don't think he was making fun of cancer in that way bro. My mom had cancer and I sure didn't take it that way.

Don't make excuses for stupidity. It was a very stupid thing to say. I went from being annoyed with this kid to outright disliking him. I'm all for having fun but that just doesn't work for me. If I had cancer and someone close to me laughed at that I'd be disappointed.
This list was put together by Masterside/Obi Wan... The top list is logical conjecture based on things he has heard and been tod as a guy who works closely with SSC. Now if you go back a few pages you will see that from his list last year about a 1/3 or more of his list showed up at SDCC, but even more from his list came out over the year.

Now just with two tweets I managed to confirm 1/4 of mastersides Marvel list is either planned for or has a chance to be at SDCC. The J Scott Spidey trio is planned and WWHULK has a chance.

So I give the list some credit. Not to mention that he called the release dates of all of the major PFs weeks in advance and their EXs, he knows a little more then your average guy.

I'd be very surprised if the announcements and reveals are that extensive. I'd go as far as to say that's everything in the works for the next couple years. There's a ton of pieces landing between now and the next year which are already announced and not on this list. if this list is correct and I can't find the pieces I'm hoping for, there's a good chance I'll be out of collecting before anyone sees them (ie. extension of batman rogues, mythos expansion, goblin PF...).
Don't think he was making fun of cancer in that way bro. My mom had cancer and I sure didn't take it that way.

I mean NO disrespect m8, but after spending a month laying in chairs, stretchers, and gurneys, and having to make two life and death decisions for my wife when it came to two surgeries. Then a second shorter hospital stay six months later, and a full year and a half recover after all was said and done... Well I find NOTHING funny about cancer... Trust me m8 it is different when it is your wife and the Dr. comes to you and says we do this and she may die, but if we don't she IS going to. She is fine NOW, but it doesnt change the fact that it was a dumb*** joke.

Don't make excuses for stupidity. It was a very stupid thing to say. I went from being annoyed with this kid to outright disliking him. I'm all for having fun but that just doesn't work for me. If I had cancer and someone close to me laughed at that I'd be disappointed.

I am so there it isn't funny.
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I'd be very surprised if the announcements and reveals are that extensive. I'd go as far as to say that's everything in the works for the next couple years. There's a ton of pieces landing between now and the next year which are already announced and not on this list. if this list is correct and I can't find the pieces I'm hoping for, there's a good chance I'll be out of collecting before anyone sees them (ie. extension of batman rogues, mythos expansion, goblin PF...).

I know they won't quit be there, but like I said if you look at his older list he was bang on for a lot of pieces tha came out this year, but yes a missed a few.
Yes it's a stupid thing to say but why would anybody be upset about what anybody posts in an Internet forum about popular character statues, I mean there if there are enough people in a room and you say something it's gonna reach atleast one person, how you think those psychic shows worked?

Point is whatever it's said here shouldn't have any weight on ones life, even if it relates to facts in ones life. It's totally meaningless IMHO
jesus CBG u jumped the shark bro :(

Yes it's a stupid thing to say but why would anybody be upset about what anybody posts in an Internet forum about popular character statues, I mean there if there are enough people in a room and you say something it's gonna reach atleast one person, how you think those psychic shows worked?

Point is whatever it's said here shouldn't have any weight on ones life, even if it relates to facts in ones life. It's totally meaningless IMHO

Exactly, CBG's posts are meaningless. Meaningless 4 Lyfe! :lecture
Yes it's a stupid thing to say but why would anybody be upset about what anybody posts in an Internet forum about popular character statues, I mean there if there are enough people in a room and you say something it's gonna reach atleast one person, how you think those psychic shows worked?

Point is whatever it's said here shouldn't have any weight on ones life, even if it relates to facts in ones life. It's totally meaningless IMHO

If you had lived my life through that stretch you would call a dumbass out m8, trust me.

Exactly, CBG's posts are meaningless. Meaningless 4 Lyfe! :lecture

****in eh right
If you had lived my life through that stretch you would call a dumbass out m8, trust me.

No I wouldn't, trust me.

I'm not taking anybody's side here my colleague, I'm just pointing out a practice that its very common in these internet forums and that is to be easily offended buy a comment by a complete stranger that has no relevance to ones life, i don't mean you specifically fine sir, but rather in general.
No I wouldn't, trust me.

I'm not taking anybody's side here my colleague, I'm just pointing out a practice that its very common in these internet forums and that is to be easily offended buy a comment by a complete stranger that has no relevance to ones life, i don't mean you specifically fine sir, but rather in general.

Some people have a lower tolerance for stupidity, internet or no.
No I wouldn't, trust me.

I'm not taking anybody's side here my colleague, I'm just pointing out a practice that its very common in these internet forums and that is to be easily offended buy a comment by a complete stranger that has no relevance to ones life, i don't mean you specifically fine sir, but rather in general.

All right Sir... I'll leave it at that.
Some people have a lower tolerance for stupidity, internet or no.

Indeed. Meaning CBG tolerance = low

I have NO patience for him anymore, and I have for the most part just ignored everything he says, but when he was quoted joking about my personal hell I lost my cool.... He is just a dumb*** and hope he NEVER has to go through what my family did because he won't be able to handle it.
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I have NO patience for him anymore, and I have for the most part just ignored everything he says, but when he was quoted joking about my personal hell I lost my cool.... He is just a dumbass and hope he NEVER has to go through what my family did because he won't be able to handle it.

I agree the joke was in bad taste but it's not how he intended. Obviously it hit you hard and I wish you and your wife the best in the future.

Calling him a dumbass is a bit harsh though CBG has always been harmless. You clearly have a personal issue with him just put him on that list your always talking about and move on.
I agree the joke was in bad taste but it's not how he intended. Obviously it hit you hard and I wish you and your wife the best in the future.

Calling him a dumbass is a bit harsh though CBG has always been harmless. You clearly have a personal issue with him just put him on that list your always talking about and move on.

Just noticed the auto censor didn't catch that so I fixed it. However, I stand by the statements original meaning. CBG says the dumbest **** I have ever read. As for how it hit me, DAMN right it hit me hard. I KNOW this isn't the place really, BUT people should consider how what they say may impact others. As for the CBG and the IGGY list he is back on it, and if King hadn't quoted him I would have never know what he said, and wouldn't have responded. Finally, I understand what guys were saying about people quoting him.