I actually tried for Slytherin - so much for trying to beat the system...
Love the extra stuff - things like why the Potterverse uses imperial measurements rather than metric are very entertaining.
And brewing potions? this is for kids? I can't imagine a 12 year old getting this real quick. But that's what's great - this doesn't seem to be aimed at kids. The extra materials is more stuff that adults would find cool.
I don't know that I'll have much time to explore it but it is a great idea and likely to become extremely popular.
So I finally get my email and I start into Pottermore and I get this message:
We are sorry Pottermore is currently unavailable.
Please come back later and try again.
I feel like Schleprock.
I believe you need to explore the stories and once you pass chapter 7 you get sorted.
When are they saying this will open for the rest of us?
Chamber of Secrets won't be open until I think next year. At least that's what I heard.
Wish I hadn't gone through the chapters in "Stone" so quickly. Now all I've got to look forward to is the potions until the second book is enterable. And they're frustrating. and I don't wanna do 'em.