That was sarcasm right?That's what I'm thinking.
Then again I can't think of a good face I like except for that teaser pic in the email we got before we saw the proto teaser.
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
That was sarcasm right?That's what I'm thinking.
Then again I can't think of a good face I like except for that teaser pic in the email we got before we saw the proto teaser.
That was sarcasm right?
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Lol I asked cause we didn't get a pic of the face in the preview. I'd love a face like that. Something. a little cuter and maybe younger. I think they did this fscenon purpose to show a more mature PG and maybe the COH will look younger. We'll have to wait and see if I'm rightHaha no, lol well I don't know actually.
It was this one:
something about it that just gives it sexy, cute, beautiful all at once.
Lol I asked cause we didn't get a pic of the face in the preview. I'd love a face like that. Something. a little cuter and maybe younger. I think they did this fscenon purpose to show a more mature PG and maybe the COH will look younger. We'll have to wait and see if I'm right
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Cause the current head is different than the teaser pic and what else could it beYeah I know. I was on SF when I saw a bunch of people bashing sideshow because they thought it was a PG PF, and 4 days later we get the teaser
I'm interested to know how we know a CoH is coming.
Well you'll know I'm the next few weeks to months what it'll be. Hope its a little younger and cuter, my thinking is it will beYeah bit of a difference. I don't know, if I did get this, I would maybe try and get a custom head. I mean yeah might be a bit more, but would rather spend a bit more on something that makes her look cuter.
Still looks good, so it's a tough debate.
Well you'll know I'm the next few weeks to months what it'll be. Hope its a little younger and cuter, my thinking is it will be
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Why do so many statue collectors think all superheroines need to look like they're 16?
Not 16 but not early to mid 30s either. Maybe like a sexy 23?Why do so many statue collectors think all superheroines need to look like they're 16?
A sexy woman is a sexy woman no matter the age IMO
I think this age issue is really about the age of collector himself. Younger collector may tend to want a young face female statue, mature collector only show interest toward mature female statue. For ex. I am 40 and for me the poison ivy has a 12yo girl face hence not interested, and new vampy for the other hand her body is just like a very young girl's which again zero interest. It's completely normal 'coz when you've into this hobby long enough your psychological state changes so be not surprised. As to this PG I find its mature face perfectly fine for this character.