It's a rumour that has been doing the rounds ever since Sideshow have been having issues with the Predator 2 maquette...I believe something was also mentioned during Comic Con of last year where research was being put together for a mother of all Predator that will surpass even the Cinemaquette Predator

but this is Sideshow we're talking about so don't hold your breath

However, to also look at the other side of the coin, Sideshow's Wolf Predator LSF as far as I know was an instant hit with the Pred fans so watch this space...
Hey Chris, I dunno think that with all these new companies such as Prime 1 and XM Studios that Sideshow should be upping their game to compete at the same level as these guys...however, what we're seeing is the total opposite! They are capitulating before our very eyes and as a Sideshow fan, its very sad to see

Once upon a time, Sideshow sat at the top of the collectible world and no one could say a bad word against them...nowadays all we here from Sideshow customers is mainly negativity and after this latest move to cancel the Pred 2 Maquette, you can understand why! It goes further, Sideshows QC standards have slumpt to an all time low and furthermore, so has their customer services. Due to the poor QC, customers are having to complain more about the condition of their pieces and yet Sideshow have become totally unreasonable in some instances and more than often show a lack of interest to resolve the situation

It is indeed sad times but whether their slow and painful decline down the ladder of reputable statue manufacturers/suppliers is to do with the success of these new companies, I'm not sure

what I do know is that Sideshow are losing a huge percentage of their loyal fans and if they don't start picking things up then I can see some big changes in the world of collectibles