Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette
Anyone moaning about price and ES, which hasn't even been revealed yet, wants to count themselves lucky that this isn't a LSF.
Call it a Maquette and charge $1,200 could of quite easily been call it a LSF and charge $2,000, without an ES.
This is kind of what I hate though, they brain wash you into thinking like this. "We are so Lucky this isn't Life size and it cost $10,000, thank my Lucky Stars it's only $5000....." They push and push until you break.
For the people saying "take it or leave it" or "deal with it" It's not quite that simple. A lot of folks here I'd bet are as passionate if not
MORE passionate about this than average Joe that hoards statue's because they think they are worth something or the guy that just buys everything because he can.
A ton of fans out there were probably looking forward to having a definitive predator statue and either
1) Can't afford the terrible pricing band.
2) Can afford it but can't justify it.
Not everyone in this hobby is a super dooper collection room the size of a bedroom and 300 statue's kind of guy. There are people out there who are young, have family's, casually collect or just love Predator.
It's not always black and white.
Fact is Sideshow's Predators are TERRIBLE. All of them. I've not saw one piece yet that blew me away. The 1/5 and busts have terrible paint jobs and QC issue's. I'd expect this one to be painted by Da vinci if they want $1400. You know what's coming though -
" It's ok , I can live with the bad paint job and my google eye's because it's predator!!!!"
I will leave this thread in peace now

Enjoy you're statue those lucky enough to be able to afford or justify one.